Chapter 8

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    I slowly struggle to open my eyes as I wake to the cold dark of night. Bright stars shimmer above me and the moonlight faintly shines on my face. How long have I been asleep? Hopefully not too long. My body aches as I sit up from the icy, hard ground. My back hurts and my leg is slightly scrapped but it's my head that feels the worst. That potion really took a toll on me. My head is pounding like crazy, I'm still a little dizzy and I have a headache that doesn't show any sign of stopping soon.

I hope that Delphine is feeling as miserable as I am, or worse. She deserves it more than anyone after all the horrible things that she has done. Delphine's golden necklace tightens in my hand. Without her dark magic she completely powerless. She won't be able to summon any evil murderous gods like Nox. No one will ever have to fear or be hurt by Delphine again.

"Well Mortus we have had some interesting times together, " I say as I stand and gather my things. "But it is time for me to depart at last. I can't say that I'll miss you but I will remember you till the end of my days." I say with a bright smile.

I before leaving my hiding spot I take Delphine's necklace and put it on. It feels strange to be wearing such a charm knowing about all the harm that it caused. But this seems like the safest place to keep it until I go home and bury it as far into the ground as I can.

I don't hesitate to step onto the road and start my journey to find the gate to the city. I still remain cautious as I walk. Delphine may be asleep but her eyes are still open and watching over everyone. It still gives me chills to know that their eyes could be peering down at me and watching every move that I make.

More of Delphine's followers roam the streets than last time. I try to do my best to remain calm and blend in with the passing crowds. I know that they are looking for me. No doubt one of them went to the citadel and found Delphine and now they want to avenge their sleeping mistress.

My heart begins pounding out if my chest as I pass by one of them. Luckily he doesn't take notice of me. I continue to let the sea of wandering people guide me but I wonder where. I see no sign of the gate or anything familiar. I am completely lost. I mentally kick myself for neglecting to bring a map during my daring escape. All I can do at this point is hope that as I aimlessly walk I eventually find the gate or someone who would be kind enough to guide me to it.

I suddenly hear the tread of someone's heavy footsteps behind me. A cold chill runs up my back as the feeling of someone watching me returns. I can barely see one of Delphine's followers from out of the corner of my eye but I know that he is there. Though on in the inside I feel like screaming on the outside I remain calm. I quickly turn into an alleyway hoping that he would not follow. My unease grows as I hear the sounds of man's heavy footsteps follow me into the alley.

I begin to sweat. I feel like he could pounce in me at any moment. I'm completely unarmed. Maybe I could grab a rock. It's not the best weapon but it's my only option at the moment. Before I can reach for one, a hand lands on my shoulder. I freeze.

"Are you alright child?" A woman's voice asks.

I take a chance and turn to face whoever it is. I am slightly relieved when I see an old woman carrying around her wooden basket. She is around my height and mostly grey with a few strands of her youth scattered about her head. She seems completely harmless.

"I'm fine." I say as I nervously watch the man linger behind us both. I would tell her the truth but I don't want to risk frightening the poor lady. Besides I doubt that a tiny old woman can do much against one of Delphine's followers.

"Are you sure dear." The woman asks with a concerned look on her face. "You look a little spooked. You can come with me if you like."

"Sure." I say quickly taking her offer. I don't hesitate to follow as the woman leads me on. The man doesn't bother to follow us. He angrily looks on as we walk out of sight.

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