Chapter 12

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I lie frozen in bed as the cold, foggy, night slowly passes on. Sometimes I wonder if I will remember the difference between night and day after this. I don't think I've ever had such a difficult time doing something as simple as sleeping before in my life. I'd be tossing and turning right now if it wasn't for ...

Nevermind. How can I sleep with so many thoughts, both good and bad, rattling about in my brain? I wish I could silence them like I silenced those Noxi.

A sudden chill runs through me and I shiver. What I did at Noctem a day ago still haunts me. The accursed words that still echo in my mind, the images of thick red smoke, and the overwhelming feeling of power that lingers within me. It's still hard to believe that I did it despite seeing it with my own eyes. Everyone around me has said that I am capable of great things. I doubt this was the greatness they had in mind.

I know I shouldn't focus on it too much. I wouldn't if my name wasn't on the entire city's lips. I'm nearly as notorious as Delphine. Still deciding if it's a good thing or not. I guess this is the price I have to pay for saving two innocent lives. But it endlessly disturbs me to know how close I came to ending thousands of others. A lack of concentration or a misspoken word. One mistake would be all it took to turn me into a monster. How would I be able to face my family then?

Despite the fear this little trinket around my neck has caused a small part of me is still drawn to its power. My fingers touch the jewel. I don't know why I want it so badly. I want to use it again. I want to feel strong again. But would I be willing to pay the price for using such dark magic? I mentally scold myself and my grip on the necklace grows tighter.

And then there is that haunting voice, the one who has saved my life while simultaneously making things even more complicated. I have yet to discover the source of the voice despite going over it in my head many times. But I am certain that I've heard it before. Whoever it is seems to be on my side for now. Or maybe it's just another cruel trick being played on me. Knowing that whoever can get inside my head whenever they please doesn't comfort me much. But knowing that I might have a possible ally against Delphine has me leaping with joy.

The thoughts of past events aren't the only thing keeping me up late into the night. The familiar sound of heavy snoring fills the room. I turn my head to face Wren who is sleeping comfortably beside me. How did I end up like this?

I heard him shivering in the middle of the night. I felt guilty for taking over his bed so after a few minutes I mustered up the courage to wake him and ask him to sleep with me; sleep only. We agreed to awkwardly sleep on our own sides of the bed. That agreement didn't last long. It only took an hour for things to get out of hand.

I don't remember how it happened but at some point, Wren's heavy arm draped itself around my waist and we have gotten far closer than I planned to.

I try a few times to gently wriggle myself out of his grip but fail.

"Why me?" I whisper to myself.

He looks so peaceful like this. I guess this isn't the worst thing in the world. A few nights more and I might get used to this. I finally decide to let myself drift asleep.

Ah, how sweet. Curled up together in their final moments.

My eyes fly open. Another voice in my head but this one I know all too well. My breathing becomes heavy and my eyes begin to water as panic quickly sets in. Please no. Please let this be a dream.

This is far from a dream my dear. Don't act so shocked. You knew that I would find you eventually. You knew that your time was coming.

"Wren wake up." I say frantically as I try to shake him awake.

"What is it?"  He asks groggily. It takes him a moment to come to and when he does his face turns red.

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