Chapter 19

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I thought when I got home the painful tears would stop. But look at me now. A mess, in bed, balling my eyes out. It takes maybe an hour for me to stop crying and listen to Nicole's explanation.

The moment my parents got home they went straight to the village council to ask for help and rescue me from Mortus. Despite all the begging and pleading they did, they got the same answer everyone gets. No, the city of the dead is too dangerous, and they cannot risk the serenity and safety of Aston to search for someone who is more than likely dead.  

Many expected them to give up, to mourn, and move on. But that's not what Alder's do. My will, my bravery, my stubbornness. I got it all from them. Once they realized that no one in the village would lend a hand to help them, they took matters into their own hands. My mother and father left days ago to Ramton, our sister village to east and mother's birthplace, to get help. 

At least I know where they are now. For a moment I thought they might have been taken again. Still, it hurts. I went through so many dangers, went through so much pain, and even died and I don't get to see them. At least not now. Ramton is a week's journey to and from so it will be a while before I can see their faces again. I will be eagerly counting down the days until I do.

"Did you get it all out?" Nicole's blurry figure says.

"Yeah." I say sniveling and wiping the last of my tears away. "I'm pretty sure I have cried myself dry." I don't think it was only the subject of my parents that made me cry like a heavy rain. It was everything. There was a dark cloud hanging over me and it built up till it finally burst.

"You going to be okay?"

"Yes. And before you ask, yes I'm sure."

"Fine. I'm heading to bed then. You should rest up too."She says gently tapping me on the shoulder before heading towards the door. "I'm serious rest up because we are going to be spending all day tomorrow talking."

"Alright." I chuckle.

"Subject one the hot got you managed to bring home without my help.

"Good night Nicole."

A few hours have passed. I can't sleep. Before I could peacefully sleep for days in this soft bed. So why am I wide awake? Maybe it's because of the change of time. Night is night and day is day again. Maybe its because I'm afraid of closing my eyes, going back to that place, and seeing those horrors again. Or maybe it's the strange glow outside my window.

I stare out the window and look at the mountain that had kept me trapped for so long. For once I can look at it and not wonder about the secrets it holds. Hundreds of lantern lights can be seen trickling down from the mountain as more Morteni leave for their new lives on the outside. I hope they all find what they're looking for. And I hope that I didn't make a big mistake in setting them free.

Is it strange to say that I still feel a pull to the mountain? It's like a part of me is still there. I can't stop thinking about it.

Then while glancing down I spot a small little girl outside my window. Maybe I can stop thinking about it for a few minutes.

"Are you lost?" I ask her. But she doesn't answer. "It's late. You should really be in bed." So should I.

"Follow me." She says before running off.

"Jokes on you I was going out for a walk anyway." I mumble

Maybe the fresh air will clear my mind. I silently creep through my house and towards the door. I don't think my home has ever been so full before. Wren is sleeping on the couch, Lancel is sleeping under the table, and Nicole is on the floor drooling into my carpet that she likes so much.

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