Chapter 13

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It's amazing how many emotions can run through someone all at once. I guess it's the power of a human mind and one that does not require any spell. What are the numerous emotions that are currently running through me? Shock, relief, slight sadness, anxiousness, and overwhelming joy. So many waves of emotion crashing into me that I'm surprised that I can even stand straight.

My heart pumps excitedly and I attempt to wipe away as many tears as I can. Though my emotions are running high I'd rather be clear-eyed for this wonderful moment. I can hardly believe after all this time Thomas is here, alive and well. This almost doesn't feel real. I slowly take my dear friend's hand. It feels real to me, soft, and warm. A large smile appears on my face as I realize that this is far from reality. This is a dream; a dream come true.

"Thomas!" I joyfully squeak as I rush into his open arms. We do our best to give each other the biggest and tightest hugs we can give.

"Well someone is excited to see me. Hello Frey." Thomas says in that familiar sweet tone that makes my heart soar. "Long time no see."

Wren and a few of the Veserac not occupied with drinking and partying look on at us awkwardly. But I'm too happy to care. I look up at Thomas and receive a gentle smile. It's something that I thought I would never see again. And something that I will never take for granted either.

I would scold myself horribly if I weren't so happy right now. I should have realized the moment I arrived in Mortus. I should have searched for him. But I guess fighting for survival is a good excuse for my idiocy. At least we're together. That's all that matters right now.

"You have no idea how much I am happy to see you. Gosh, look at you. You're all grown and tough-looking." I say admiring him.

"I know." He says slightly blushing. "I finally look like a real man. And look at you. You're as pretty as ever even with all the blood and bruises on you. It looks like you've been in battle."

"Oh I have been through many a battle since coming here, trust me. Thank goodness my friend Wren was around to help me. If it wasn't for him I would have never made it."

"Darn, so I've been replaced." Thomas says jokingly. He walks over to Wren and pulls him into an unexpected hug. "Thank you so much for taking care of my dear friend."

"You're welcome."Wren replies.

"Also sorry as I know my friend can be quite the handful at times." Thomas adds with a smirk.

I lightly tap Thomas on the arm. "I'm not that beastly."

"Don't worry. Freya has been lovely." Wren says.

"Come and sit. I'm certain you two have an amazing story to tell." Thomas says pulling out chairs for us.

I did not hesitate to tell Thomas every part of my crazy, magical and dangerous tale. Thomas hangs on to my every word and excitedly asks one question after the other. Even some of the Veserac come to listen. They look impressed with the things I tell them. And I will admit when they called me brave I did feel a little prideful. The more of my fantastic story I tell the more relief I start to feel. For months I've felt like I was about to burst keeping everything to myself. Now all the tension is finally starting to melt away.

"So that's it." I say taking a deep breath. "Now I'm here. Hoping that you and your companions have a way out of this hell."

"Wow." "You really have had quite the adventure. And as usual, trouble has its way of finding you. As far as finding an escape I have somewhat of a solution. Thomas says in a disappointed tone. "I know that there are a bunch of hidden caves that lead out of the mountains. What I don't know is how to get through them."

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