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A/N: hello, welcome to another story. Don't worry, I know I have a track record of starting posting a fic and then forgetting about it, but this story is completely finished and the remaining chapters should be coming out one after the other today and tomorrow. Hope you enjoy the book bc it's my baby.


5:13 am.

Louis woke up with stretch, eyes barely open.

His room was cool and ventilated, the slow whir of his fan creating white noise.

Louis' bones ached with sleep, begging him to fall back into bed, forget the world, skip a day at work for once.

Nonetheless after a good ten minutes of wondering if life was really worth getting up at some ungodly hour just to go to work, he flopped out of his bed onto the cold floor, dragging his comforter with him.

"Louis! Lou, come on, Chef wants us there by six am!" Niall pounded on Louis' bedroom door.

Gosh, he's always had too much energy.

Too much energy.

"C'mon Louis, even I'm up, and I don't have to go to work until 8 am!" Liam's voice called through the door.

Louis groaned.

Why was he roommates with two morning people?

Stupid Liam and his 4 a.m. yoga regime.

Stupid Liam and his flower shop.

If Louis was his own boss, he would sleep in much more often than Liam did.

"I'm a waiter not a cook, I don't even see what type of help I would be for this." Louis mumbled into the comforter that he had dragged to the floor with him.

"She said this event's really important and big-"

"Exactly, I'm already gonna have to do  extra work serving tonight. Are we even getting paid for this extra work?" Louis asked.

He heard Niall sigh, "No, Louis, we're just being good friends. Hannah needs help with the restaurant and we're available."

Louis groaned in response, knowing Niall was right.

"Alright, alright, I'm getting up." He yelled as Niall began to blast some horrible pop-y song in an attempt to wake him up.

"Who ate all of the Cheerios with strawberry flecks!" Liam yelled from the kitchen.

God it was too early.


"All right, everyone gather around."

It had been the whole day and now Louis, Niall and the rest of the restaurant staff were in some little kitchen in an outstandingly fancy building.

"Listen, this is the single most important night for Donatello's," (the restaurant where Louis and Niall were unfortunate enough to work at- that's only partially a joke), "this event is a big deal, a ton of big names always attend it, and if we can get even just one of them to post about our restaurant, it's gonna be great publicity." Hannah said to the huddled up group.

"Wait, so there's gonna be celebrities here?" A boy, Auggie, asked with a grin. He had been there for about as long as Louis and Niall, though he was slightly younger than the two.

"Actors, musicians, models, businessmen, the whole lot- so do not fangirl!" Hannah said in a rush, "No flirting either- I'm looking at you Niall."

Niall playfully rolled his eyes, "You flirt away Gwen Stefani one time."

"Yeah, there's a reason you didn't get the chance to flirt her off twice." Marilyn, one of the waitresses, said with a sly smile.

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