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Two of them. Two invitations in the mail.

It had become less and less surprising each time, but two seemed like overkill.

The first one was another mansion party, much like the previous. It was the second that caught Louis' eye.

"A New Year's Eve masquerade?" Niall read the invitation aloud.

"Masquerade masks are provided if you do not own one of your own." Liam read over Niall's shoulder.

Louis frowned, "A masquerade?"

Everything about it screamed Harry. If there was an invitation given to them by Harry, it would be this one.

"Seems a bit early to send invitations- I mean, it's barely the beginning of December." Liam tutted.

"We can't make it anyway," Niall chimed in, "You know going to Hannah's for New Years is tradition. She's already begun to plan the party."

Louis looked down, "Yeah... Strange though isn't it. These celebrities."

Liam snorted, "Harry Styles has always been quite the... Strange eccentric."

Louis immediately narrowed his eyes, "You act like you know him."

His voice is light, but he's holding back.

Liam waved him off, "You know what I mean. It's not a bad thing, I'm just saying he's the stereotypical rich guy. Did you know recently he collaborated with this super posh perfume brand thing?"

"If you're trying to bash his non- conforming masculinity, you should stop and look at yourself Mr. Flower shop." Louis clenched his jaw.

Liam laughed lightheartedly, blissfully ignorant to Louis' strained politeness, "Of course I'm not! It's just different, you can't deny that."

The first party, which was held that weekend, came and went, same as always.

Louis looked for Harry, Harry couldn't be found, Liam and Niall widened their group of famous friends, to the point where Liam and Niall were being greeted upon entry.

Louis slowly figured that must mean that people were beginning to recognize his face as well, they just didn't know who he was, always slinking away in the corner, eyes scanning for seemingly nothing.

Louis left early that time- let Liam and Niall know he was taking a cab, and headed towards home.

The question of who was sending them the invitations was plaguing Louis' mind constantly.

It wasn't necessarily fear as much as confusion.

Harry never showed up to any of the parties but he was the only one Louis could think of who had a motive to do so. Who else would care about three guys scraping by in London.

And then again the thought floated through his brain- what if this wasn't safe. Of course, Louis had no reason to see it as not safe but it seemed vaguely like what someone would do before kidnapping someone, in a weird grooming way.

Louis shuddered at the thought, home alone, but easily pushed it away when he saw a photo Liam had sent him of him, Niall, Zayn and some other people Louis didn't recognize all crammed into the frame.

Louis pulled himself out of his bed where he had previously been laying.

Clearly sleeping wasn't going to be an option any time soon.

He padded to the kitchen, the wood flooring uncomfortably cold under his bare feet, breath slow and tired.

Switching on a light, he went to the cabinet and pulled out a glass, filling it with tap water, but not actually drinking it, instead just setting it down with a quiet clink on the counter.

Drunk Words, Sober ThoughtsWhere stories live. Discover now