Soup, Sex, and Sun Salutations

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Hii don't mind me I'm just shamelessly promoting my new fic, Soup, Sex and Sun Salutations.

It's almost finished but not entirely, so expect very often updates (once every other day or maybe even once a day idk).

ummm please go like and comment bc I get my validation from strangers on the internet telling me I'm good ish at writing.


It's 1978. Louis Tomlinson is the classic stereotype of a corporate shark, working for The Man.

Harry Styles is a go with the flow, dropped out of school coffee shop owner, fully immersing himself into the love and happiness of the 70s.

That is, until he runs into a stubborn arrogant corporate shark, who clearly needs someone to love them, like an angry pitbull.


Here's a sneak peak into I think the third chapter !!!:

"Okay, so what's the lesson." Louis said, checking his watch, though he had nowhere to get to.

Liam hummed, mouth full of burger, "Slow down- the lesson will come naturally."

"Mhmm. Right, but I didn't sign up to be your chauffeur for nothing. And I'm eager to call you guys out on all this ridiculousness."

Liam laughed, smiling to Harry, "He's fun."

And that made Louis want to rip his hair out- no matter how horrible and rude he was, they never once frowned- not a real one at least.

"We could start with addressing the elephant in the room? My lack of a leg?" Liam suggested easily.

Louis shifted in his seat, not sure how to react to such a blatant adressal.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2022 ⏰

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