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"Oh, shit..." Arthur spoke. I tried to grab his hand before he fell over the ledge but it was too late. "Arthur?!" I called. I didn't know what else to do besides climb on that ledge and jump in after him. It was freezing outside and I knew that he will die if I didn't help him right now.

When I hit the water, I held my breath and tried to find him. I moved around and swam in different directions to find him. It was a little dark but when the moonlight hit the water, everything was seen. I was able to see Arthur floating. He was unconscious, and blood was leaving his nose.

I quickly swam toward him and held onto him tightly. I was so scared that he would float away and I would not be able to get him back at all. I then began to pull him up to the surface. Once hitting the surface I began to breathe out heavily and look around for the shore edge so I could take him to land. "Don't worry Arthur, I won't let you die," I spoke. This man was basically my enemy and here I was saving him. I couldn't let him die though....not like that.

Once I had eyes on a place to leave the water, I slowly did my best to pull him there. I held onto him tightly and once I reached the end of the riverside I pulled him up onto the ground. There was no one around and my phone was ruined so I had to try and wake him up.

He was laying on his back and I moved some of his wet hair out of his face. He looked extremely peaceful and not angry like always, and as much as I liked looking at him this way, I needed to save him. "Arthur! Can you hear me at all? Arthur?" I yelled and tried to wake him up first. I moved close to his face to hear a breath, and there was none at all. There was no response, so I had to perform CPR on him.

I began to place my hands on the center of his chest. I began to do the chest compressions, and I felt myself sweating. "1...2...3" I spoke. I continued to do compressions and then opened his mouth to breathe into it.

There was no response, so I continued to do it. Seconds turned to minutes, and I began to feel hopeless. "Please breath!" I yelled. I breathed some more air in him and gave him one more compression. Only this time a bunch of water came out of his mouth, and he gasped for air. My eyes widened and he began to cough uncontrollably.
"Hey, it's fine, don't worry," I spoke softly. I began to pat his back and my heart finally stopped racing.
Thank god... I didn't lose him.

He held his hand close to his mouth and looked at me, confused. "How did I get out?" He asked. That's when he looked at how wet my clothes had been. His eyes widened, and he looked me in the eyes. "Did you..... come and save me?" He asked, confused.

"I know..... I'm shocked too," I laughed. I finally sat back, and I held onto my chest. That was so scary, I really thought he would die for a second. "How did you wake me up?" He asked, confused. I looked at him, and I didn't know what to say really.

He placed a hand on his chest and it finally hit him. "You gave me CPR?" He asked. I nodded, and he suddenly stood up straight. "Hey, wait! You need to go to a hospital," I spoke. I pointed to his bloody nose and he wiped it away. "I will be just fine, you do not need to worry about me," he spoke. Maybe he was upset about the CPR thing?

"Why are you upset? I just saved you! You could have died if I wasn't here," I spoke.
"Well, I didn't ask you to save me,"
"Are you being serious right now? You could have died! Anyone would have saved you. You are just lucky I was here to do it! You should be thanking me!" I spat.
"As if I would thank someone like you, all you do is piss me off!"
"You have got to be kidding me! You are being ridiculous Arthur! You could have died!"
He glared at me, and I stood up as well. "You should have minded your own business and left me alone." He spoke.

The way he was acting was making me more and more upset, but I was still worried about him and whether he would be alright.

He began to walk away from me, and I stopped him. "Just go to a hospital," I asked. He looked at me and removed my hand from his shoulder. "Why do you care so much, you are just going to give me shit tomorrow. Just leave me alone," he spoke. He pushed me off him and began to walk away. I wanted to punch him in the face and knock some sense into him, but that would not help the situation. Just make it worse than it already was.

I looked around as he left and noticed some of his belongings floating in the water. I wanted so badly just to leave them there, but something told me not to. God!! He pissed me off so much, but I'm still here helping him. Maybe he is right, maybe I should just mind my own business. I looked around and saw he was finally gone and I began to go into the river again to grab his things.

It was his work bag, coat, and other things floating around him. I'll just bring them to him tomorrow at work.... if he even shows up.

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