Chapter 1

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Harry's POV

"Harry, get up! You're gonna be late!!" I hear my mom yell from downstairs.

I roll over on my bed and turn off the alarm I'm sure has been ringing for a very long time.

I walk over to my closet and pull out some black skinny jeans and a dark purple hoodie, grab my beat up, white, lace-up vans and put them on.

I look over at my nightstand and realize that I only have 4 minutes to get to class.

I run out the door without even saying goodbye to my mom and start sprinting to school.

Right when I make it to the front of the building, the bell rings. I quickly shove my things inside of my locker and grab what I need for english.

I walk to the door and take a deep breath. I'm never late, I hope Mrs. Smith doesn't give me detention.

I open the door and nobody looks at me.

That is until I trip and drop literally everything I was holding.

I hurriedly pick up my stuff while everyone stares at me and sit down looking like a tomato.

"At least Louis isn't in this class" I think to myself.

After what feels like an eternity, the bell rings and I leave for math class. On the way there, my best (and only) friend Niall catches up with me.

"Hey Haz, did you do the math homework? Because I definitely did, I just wanted to check your answers and maybe write them on my paper."

"We've had all week to do that assignment Ni, are you honestly that lazy?"

"yes, and you should know that by now". I giggle and hand him my paper.

(A/N) Hello, this is my first time writing literally anything that's not an english assignment, so I hope you like it. I'm trash at writing so this will be a rollercoaster. Also, this is 283 words? seems like less. Anyways byeeeeee 

-Emma :p

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