Chapter 14

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Harry's POV

I woke up and realized that it was 10 am. Mum told me to be home at 10:30

I stood up and started grabbing my stuff and jumped when Niall started talking,

"What're a doing mate? It's still morning" He says sleepily

"Mum wants me home" I reply quietly.

Niall nods and goes back to sleep and I walk out the door and head home.

Louis' POV

I wake up and Harry is gone.


Harry probably left right after I fell asleep, he must think I'm such a freak.

What person over the age of 3 is afraid of stupid thunderstorms?

Niall walks into the room with a giant plate of bacon and 2 bowls of different cereals. Not surprising.

"Morning Lou" Niall says with a mouthful of lucky charms.

"Morning" I say with a sigh.

"What's wrong Tommo?" Niall asks.

"It's nothing really, but uh, where's Harry?" I say nervously. Niall raises his eyebrows.

"Left like an hour ago, mum needed him or somethin lame like that." He tells me.

"Oh, ok" I say, my mood noticeably happier. What am I thinking? Maybe he didn't leave right away but he probably still thinks I'm a freak.

"Oh and Ni? Do you think you could give me his phone number?" I ask hesitantly.

"Sure mate" he says, grabbing my phone.

(A/N) Guess who lost her laptop charger and just now found it? Ya girl Emma :p Anyways I'll post more often now. I'm gonna try some things in the next chapter and if anyone hates it like, a ton tell me and I'll get rid of it and do something else. Thanks besties <3

-Emma (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞

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