Chapter 11

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Harry's POV


Ehem... I mean... that's cool I guess.

"Holy crap, it's already 7:00!" Liam says worriedly.

"oH nO 7 iS sOoOoO lAtE" Niall says, rolling his eyes at Liam.

"Do you guys just wanna stay over? I have lots of sUpEr cOmFoRtAbLe blow up beds" Louis asks me and Niall.

"Yeah sure, we'd love to, right Haz?" Niall says. I just nod in response.

"Alright, who wants to help me blow these up?" Louis says. Niall goes with him to help. Li

Liam turns towards me once Niall and Louis are upstairs.

"So, you like Louis huh?" He asks.

"Wh-what where'd you get t-that idea f-from" I say, laughing nervously.

"Chill H, you do know I'm dating Niall right? There's no way he wasn't going to tell me." Liam says, chuckling at me.

"Ugh, fine, yes. But you can't tell a soul. Not anyone ever" I tell him.

"H, you're so dramatic, you know I'd never do that" Liam laughs again.

I lay down on the floor and groan, how embarrassing is this. Suddenly...

"NIALL STOP IT!!! PUT THAT DOWN!" Louis shouts. Liam and I both snap our heads up. What is going on up there?

We run up the stairs and find Niall holding a water balloon.

"Where'd you even get that?" Louis asks.

"Brought it from home, duh." He laughs

Louis gets up and starts running.

He flings the door to his backyard open and goes inside a shed. He comes out with 3 giant water guns that are full.

He tosses some to Liam and I and we point them at Niall.

"Surrender peasant! You'll never get past us with just a measly balloon!" Louis says.

Niall starts laughing evilly as he reaches into a bush next to him.

He laughs louder once he has the two giant water guns in his hands and starts spraying us.

"How'd you get those there? You've been inside the whole time" I say, soaking wet.

"They've been planted here for months, just waiting for a moment like this" Niall says smiling.

"I'll go grab us some towels" Louis says, running into the house.

Louis comes back and we dry off when Niall starts laughing again.

"Christ, what is it this time?" I say, clearly annoyed.

"Nothing bad, it's just that Haz will have to sit here soaked because he's got no extra clothes" he says.

"He can just wear some of mine Ni, I'm not gonna make him just sit there until he's dry" Louis says and laughs.

"Oh, thanks" I say.

"Follow me" Louis tells me. We get to his room and he starts looking through his wardrobe.

"You're lucky I like baggy clothes, these should just barely fit you" He says, pulling out some things for me to wear.

I change in the bathroom and go downstairs. Everyone is standing by the kitchen counter and drinking soda.

I walk over and Liam hands me one when Louis starts talking.

"Poor Harry's gotta squeeze into my clothes. He's kinda huge" Louis says.

"In more ways than one" Niall says with a smirk, winking at Louis.

I spit out my soda, luckily I was in front of the sink, and Louis starts a giant coughing fit.

"Anyways, anyone wanna watch the office?" Niall says.

(A/N) Heyyy, I'm officially done with school so this is a longer chapter. It's 513 words so that's cool. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this. there should be at least one other chapter coming out today.

-Emma (ᵔᴥᵔ) 

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