Chapter 7

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(A/N) sorry for not posting earlier, I had a final exam essay that I may or may not have forgotten to do :p

Louis' POV (woah crazyyy)

I wake up on something warm and soft and that... smells really good?

This is definitely not my pillow.

I open my eyes and realize that I fell asleep on Harry.

I turned to apologize but he fell asleep as well. That would have been awkward.

I look around and I'm the only one awake in the room.

I don't like being alone because it makes my brain think of everything I've ever done wrong. Like how I've never even talked to or acknowledged Harry before I hit him with a soccer ball.

He's a great person, he's funny, he likes a bunch of movies that I like, he's tall, he's got curly hair, and now I sound like an 11 year old girl.

If I had talked to him sooner we would probably already be best friends.

God, I hate thinking.

Liam's eyes flutter open and I sigh in relief. We just sit there and talk about footie until Niall wakes up and starts yelling about how hungry he is.

Harry wakes up with a jump and smacks Niall. We ended up ordering Nando's because Niall wouldn't shut up.

We eat our food and play games until Harry and Niall have to leave.

Liam is spending the weekend here because his parents are out of town.

I lay in my bed and find myself thinking of the green-eyed, curly headed lad.

That's just because I felt bad earlier, right? Yeah, that's it.

I slowly feel myself drifting off and I let sleep overtake me.

(A/N) Hilo, How's it going? I completely forgot about my final paper so I kinda had to do that. Anyways, if you wanna, lmk any ideas you have or anything you would want to see happen in my little monstrosity of a fanfic :3

-Emma :s

"Did it hurt?" (Larry Stylinson)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora