Chapter 13

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Harry's POV

"Ok he's acting weird, right?" Liam asks us.

"Yeah, something's definitely up. We should ask him" Niall says.

Liam and I nod at him and we wait for Louis to come back downstairs.

Louis walks down the stairs with the blow up beds and a little air pump to blow them up with.

"Lou, sit down" Niall says in a serious voice. Louis laughs a bit.

"What? You guys staging an intervention for me?" Louis chuckles.

"We just want to know what's going on with you." Liam explains calmly.

"What are you talking about? Nothing's going on." Louis says.

"You haven't talked at all since we were in the kitchen, mate." Niall tells him.

"I'm just tired. Can we go to bed?" Louis says quickly.

"That's fine with me" I say, walking over to the blow up beds and blowing them up.

The other guys help me and we all go to sleep in Louis' living room.


Louis' POV 

I wake up to a loud boom.

Oh no. This better not be what I think it is.

I look out the window and see a flash of light followed by another loud boom.

A thunderstorm.

This is bad. Very bad. I'm very afraid of thunderstorms. If it's really bad, I can even start crying.

The worst part is that I can't even control it. Oh god. My friends are gonna see my cry. HARRY is gonna see me cry.

Another boom and I start shaking.

How are they sleeping through this?

Harry's POV

I open my eyes slowly after a loud boom and I hear quiet whimpers.

I look to where they're coming from and see Louis shaking and crying on the couch, covering his ears.

"Louis?" I whisper. He looks at me and puts a blanket over his head.

I can tell he's embarrassed.

"Lou, are you alright?" I whisper again.

Another boom happens and Louis jumps.

"Not really" He whispers back shakily.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" I ask quietly.

"Unless you can stop the storm, no." He says.

My heart aches. I can hear in his voice that he's been crying.

Louis takes the blanket off of his head and stares out the window.

I move over to where Louis is and hug him.

He tenses up a bit and then leans into my hug.

"Thank you." He whispers softly.

"Of course" I whisper back.

Louis stays in my arms shaking a little less than before and eventually falls asleep.

I lay him down on the couch and put a blanket on him before laying back down in my blow up bed and going to sleep.

(A/N) Sorry for not posting earlier, I hit my brother and got my laptop taken and I refuse to write on mobile. Anyways I hope you're all having a wonderful day and that you all ate something nice today. Toodles <3

-Emma ( ˘ ³˘)♥

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