Chapter 6

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Harry's POV

Louis sat on me the entire time the notebook was on, but halfway through HE FELL ASLEEP. ON ME.

He looked so peaceful, and attractive. His long eyelashes brushing his cheekbones, the way his nose would scrunch up every few minutes, the way his lips were parted slightly, I could die just from looking at him.

I hear the credits rolling and Louis' breath changes. I know he woke up.

Instead of him getting off of me he snuggles into my chest and keeps his eyes shut.

Boy, will this be awkward when he gets up.

After a few minutes Louis' breath evens out and he's back asleep.

I feel my phone buzz next to me and grab it.

Niall sent me a picture of Louis cuddled up to me. I look up at Ni and he just winks back.

Liam but on batman and I play a dumb game on my phone. I seem to do that a lot lately.

I yawn and realize that Louis is still asleep, so I take this opportunity to get some shut-eye myself.

(A/N) Heyyyyy, so I know this is short but it's basically a lead in to the next chapter so there really wasn't much I could do with it. Anyways besties feel free to add me on snapchat and talk to me or whatevs :p,,,,my user is: emchlodancep  (yes I am aware that it is a very dumb username) Fanks

-eMmA >:)

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