Chapter 5

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Harry's POV

I was woken up the next day by a text from Niall telling me Louis' address and when to be there.

I only had about 4 hours until I needed to be there because I slept until noon.

I got up, ate some mac and cheese, and got in the shower.

After that I sat around and watched cartoons until I had to get ready.

I got dressed and fluffed my hair a bit before walking over to Louis'.

I knocked on the door a few times and Niall opened it.

I said hi to him and walked inside.

I looked at the screen and they already had Titanic on.

"Oh my gosh I love this movie!!!" I said, flopping on the couch.

The guys laughed at me and Liam handed me some popcorn. After Titanic ended, Louis got up and switched the movie to The Notebook.

"Do you guys have a 'Harry's favorite movies' list or something? This is great!" I said.

The guys laughed at me again and when Louis sat back down, he sat on Liam. Niall stood up and pushed him off and sat himself onto Liam instead. Liam and I giggled and Louis gasped in mock offense.

"How dare you, what will I ever sit on now?" Louis said dramatically while flailing his arms around like an idiot.

"Harry's right there mate" Niall says and my eyes widen. I glare at Niall and Louis starts walking over to me.

He sits down and says, "Harry's more comfortable anyways Li, way less boney."

Louis sticks his tongue out at Liam.

Niall wiggles his eyebrows at me while Louis isn't looking and I roll my eyes.

Looks like I'm in for yet another long night.

(A/N) Hello I have to leave for school in 10 minutes but whatever. My Heartbreak Weather sweatshirt got here and I'm very happy about that. Anyways, Have a nice day :)

-Emma ;M

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