Chapter 9

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Harry's POV

I wake up and look over at my nightstand and see that it's 9:03.

I get Niall up and we both get ready to go to Louis' house.

I checked the weather and saw that it was going to be cloudy and cold so I put on my purple Jack Wills hoodie and we left.

When we got to Louis', Niall knocked and started shouting through the door.

"TOMLINSON OPEN UP BEFORE I FREEZE TO DEATH AND HAUNT YOU!" Niall yells. I laugh as Louis opens the door and we walk inside.

Niall skips over to Liam who plants kisses all around his face and Louis and I simultaneously gag. Liam and Niall just giggle.

"What are we doing today lads?" Liam asks. I shrug.

Niall pulls out his phone and starts typing something.

"Ni what are you doing?" I ask, cocking an eyebrow.

"I'm looking up 'fun things to do with a group of friends' because clearly nobody has any ideas" He explains. Suddenly Niall gasps.

"TRUTH OR DARE". He shouts.

"What are we, 13 year old girls?" Louis says. Niall slaps his arm and makes us all sit in a circle.

Liam's POV (gasp a POV switch???)

Right when Niall says truth or dare I know exactly what he's trying to do.

He constantly tells me how we need to get Harry to confess his love to Louis because "What's the point of being the captain of a ship that never sets sail".

I don't understand him sometimes. He's lucky he's cute. Niall starts the game off.

"Li, truth or dare?" he asks with a giant smile.

"Truth" I respond. I've never been into dares. People always make you do crazy things and I feel like it's just easier to answer a question.

"Ok, who's your favorite 5sos member???" He asks.

"Ashton, you know that already" I say, confused.

"Anyways, Lou, truth or dare" I ask.

"Dare, obviously" he says. Niall gives me 'the look' and I know what I have to do.

"I dare you to swap shirts with Harry". I wink at Niall and he gives me a thumbs up.

Louis' POV (gasp, another one??)

Harry and I swap shirts and it turns out he was only wearing a hoodie.

I put it on and smell the sleeve. Why'd I do that? And why does he smell so good?

"Mate, did you just smell his hoodie?" Niall says while looking at me weird.

"What? No. 'Course not, that would be weird" I say, my voice wavering a bit. What is going on with me today?

"Niall, truth or dare" I say, changing the subject.

"Dare" He says. I should probably think of things before I ask.

"Uhh, um, I dare you to dunk your head in the toilet!" I say. Yeah, that's a good one.

Harry giggles and I smile. That was cute. What? Why did I call Harry's giggle cute? What is wrong with me? I decide to figure it out later because Niall comes back into the living room with soaking wet hair.

(A/N) Hey besties, Sorry for not posting in a bit, this week has been a lot with schoolwork because I've got my finals next week. I'm 100% going to fail terribly on all of them, but whatever, right? Anyways, this chapter is a bit longer because I feel bad for not posting. I'll write another chapter and post it tomorrow and I won't be able to post again until Thursday due to my exams. anyways, Hope you enjoyed this.

-Emma :~)

"Did it hurt?" (Larry Stylinson)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora