8. Bonds Never Made

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*Back to present time.


"Surely this is a place that you're familiar with?" Yuri asked me when we arrived in a whole new building.

"Yeah. But... It feels like forever since I've walked through the halls of the True Cross Hospital. Last time I was here, it was to check up on one of my students, Miwa. Other than that, I guess I've just been avoiding people more and more." I answered.

The familiar smell of the hospital, the sounds of noisy carts being wheeled in and out of rooms, the people walking in groups dressed in their scrubs, all the things medical that should have made me feel at ease... Didn't. This place is where I should feel most comfortable but, being surrounded by so many people who hated my brother and I for who we were had changed everything.

"It's okay for now, I mean, you're here with me!" Yuri said in a kind voice to encourage me when she saw the expression that I wore. "Hopefully things can be a little easier for you. After all, I'm on your side, Yukio."


Making our way down the hallways of the East Wing, Yuri walked a little ahead of me. My mind began to think about all the things that happened leading up to Miwa's injury. I remembered that horrible feeling, fear, when I saw the students get caught up in the battle between Rin and the demon king Amaimon. I remembered the relief when, save for the deep burns and broken burns, that nobody died on my watch.

'What I remember clearly most of all was the fierce demon before me, cloaked in blue flames, controlled by the pure desire to fight. There was nothing I could've done, I know that, but I shouldn't have let things get out of hand as they did. I wanna know what's been going through Rin's mind now that everything's changed for us. Ever since our the secret got out, even Shura is...'

"...think of it?" Yuri finished asking.

Walking while being lost in my thoughts, Yuri slowed down her pace to a stop and turned around to face me in the middle of the hallway.

"What happened? Why'd you stop here?" I asked her.

"I was trying to ask you something but you seemed so... Distracted. Tell me, what's on your mind?" She asked in a curious voice.

"N- Nothing's wrong. I was just a bit caught up in my own thoughts is all. It's not important" I answered dismissively, looking away towards the ground.

"Yukio? Is something the matter?" She asked again, pulling on the sleeve of my shirt lightly.

"I was just..." I began, the words leaving my lips before I could stop it. "I was thinking of my brother. I wonder how he's doing, how he's been able to keep things together unlike me. He didn't take it very lightly when he found out that he hurt his classmates. Now that I'm standing here, it's just making me think about it all over again, that's all." I said, not realizing until now that I wanted to talk to someone about it.

After I spoke up, I felt embarrassed for revealing what was on my mind, it was unlike me to talk about my feelings.

"Well I think that-" Yuri started off but I cut her off to change the subject.

"That reminds me, what were you asking me earlier? You mentioned something about... Something?" I asked before she could say anything else.

There was a slight pause as we stood there and she sighed realizing that I wasn't going to talk further about what I had said.

"I was asking if, well, out of everything you've learned so far, is there anything that you wished came true? Is there anything you've seen that you wanted to happen?" 

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