2. Dreams and Visions

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Yukio Okumura POV

I felt myself waking up, there was a slight and gentle breeze going through the room and I didn't remember turning on the fan before falling asleep.

'Maybe the bedroom window finally shattered and this feeling were night winds passing into the room? I shouldn't sleep like this, I'll probably get a cold from it.'

With my eyes still closed and still laying on my side, I reached around under my pillow to get the folded blankets I keep there. I froze when I noticed I couldn't even find my pillow. I've been laying on my arm.

My eyes shot open when I felt the fabric of the bed, it wasn't fabric. I was laying on a patch of grassy field outside under a tree. I sat up quickly and was almost blinded by the sun in my face. I covered my eyes with one hand and waited until they adjusted in order to take a look at the scenery before me. My eyes widened when I saw how I wasn't on campus anymore, I wasn't even anywhere close to another building in this vast stretch of nature.

Standing up, I wiped away some of the dirt that made it on my clothes. I couldn't remember anything or think of how I got here. There's no logic to how I woke up in the middle of nowhere by myself. I've never been here before. I don't have problems sleepwalking and I doubt to this extreme extent, miles away into the wilderness.

Suddenly I checked myself for any weapons of any kind I could be carrying on me. Looking for my guns and other exorcist equipment, I realized I wasn't carrying anything useful if I came across anything dangerous like a bear, or even a demon if it came to that. I didn't even remember putting my glasses back on and yet here I was wearing them, right where they should be.

I sighed, thinking to myself, trying to find a way back to my dorms thinking how it must be some kind of dream that I've made it all the way back here. I felt a lightbulb go off at those words.

"That's it! A dream! Of course, how could I have not remembered at least that much? I fell asleep." I said to myself.

'I guess that all I have to do now is to wake myself up. But how exactly do I pull that off?'

Pinching my arm really hard, I closed my eyes tightly hoping that'd be enough. Letting go of my arm and expecting to open my eyes to the ceiling of my room, I looked before me in horror how that didn't work. Feeling the sharp sting on my arm from how hard I grabbed into the skin a few seconds more, I was still in the same place.

"N- no way. What? This can't... All of this can't be... Real?"

Bending down, I pulled out a small tuft of grass from the ground and held it in my palm just staring at it. The winds, the grass, heat from the sun, this very dirt... All of it seemed too real. Realizing this, I needed to try and figure out how to to make it back home.

"Back home?" I said out loud, wondering what kind of place that could be.

I shook my head and stood up. Dropping the handful of grass back on the ground before I walked back to the tree I woke up under, I put one of my hands on it. The bark on the tree was real enough as well.

I thought for a moment in how, possibly, this tree could be my ticket back to True Cross Academy! I moved to walk around the tree until I had found what I was looking for.

"Found it." I said proud of myself for thinking of this right away.

What I needed to find was the side of the tree that had a patch of moss growing on it. Depending on where the tree grows, moss will only grow on the North side of a tree being the coldest part. I'm glad dad taught me that before I had to go and take my exams, without him I couldn't have been able to pass my exorcist exams back then.

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