14. Light

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3rd Person POV


"What's going on in Kyoto?!"

"How could this have happened?"

"He just said that it's gone! The Right Eye is gone!"

"How did they get one up on us? We were supposed to be one step ahead of them!"

"But wasn't there supposed to be an attack here?"

"Why weren't we stationed in Kyoto instead?!"

Walking away from the gathered exorcists he just informed of the incident in Kyoto, Mephisto Pheles walked away from the distressed crowd. He didn't know what he was feeling, whether it was frustration from being betrayed... Or intrigued at the person who caused all of this mayhem.

"Humans really do manage to keep things interesting. I can't seem to figure them out completely even after all this time. This Renzo Shima is a fascinating person. The eye is gone, and we've lost our important source. What will your next move be I wonder... My dear brother..." Mephisto said as he walked away. He couldn't help the dark smile on his face from forming despite the situation.

He walked by a person who had their head down and was leaning against a nearby tree, the exorcist looked up when Mephisto passed by him.

"We've been had... And that face you're making right now, what a rare sight! Didn't think you of all people would be fooled so easily. What a plot twist! Ha!"

"You're the last one I want to hear that from, Light." Mephisto said in an irritated tone as he kept walking on. "Don't mess with me when I'm like this, I'm warning you."

Lewin Light picked up his pace to walk alongside Mephisto who was heading back to his office, looking for a key for the nearby door in his pocket.

"Okay, okay." Light said with a quick shrug. "But even so, things seem to be getting more and more interesting this way if you ask me." He said in an amused tone. "You're only mad because you didn't see this coming, am I right?" He asked with a big grin which earned him another angry glare.

"You're pushing your luck." Mephisto said, narrowing his eyes at him.

"Hey, I'm actually here to talk about something more serious. Give me some credit, I do my job too." Light said before turning around. "But if you don't want to hear it then I guess that's that."

"Fine. I'm listening. Go on." Mephisto said which made Light turn back, stopping himself before he reached the door and with a sigh put a hand to his face in annoyance. "This had better be something that's actually important. We can't be wasting any more time before they make their next move."

"It's worth the trouble, you'll see. I was thinking of proposing a little wager with you myself... So, what do you think?" Light asked.

"A human, making a wager with me? To a demon? Don't make me laugh." Mephisto asked, not knowing if it was a real question or a bad joke.

"Oh, I'm being dead serious right now. You don't want to?" Light asked, the tone of his voice somewhat convincing.

"Sure. I'll hear you out. What do you have to say?"

"I found out something pretty interesting about that Angel. Didn't seem like him to betray us like he did, and the way that your daughter let something like that slide when they were so close made me a little more than suspicious. So I did some digging and do you know what I found out?" Light asked.

"I take it you know the actual reason Angel left True Cross then?" Mephisto asked, not hiding the fact that he wasn't surprised that someone like him found out the truth. "I suppose nothing really gets past you."

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