12. Shift In Power

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3rd Person POV

Illuminati Eastern Research Facility, Shimane Prefecture.

From behind Renzo Shima, someone approached him when he wasn't paying attention.

"Why the long face? Something on your mind?" They asked, startling him.

"Oh, it's just you." Renzo said. "It's not like you to worry about another person's issues like that... Anyways, feelings don't matter. I can't waste my energy feeling sorry for myself when I have the organization's grand plan to focus on. So... What did you really want to talk about?" He asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

Beside Renzo alone in the break room stood Saburota Todo.

"I was just looking out for you. Ah, to be young again." Todo's tone not convincing him. "You got me there." He said, raising both his hands up when admitting it. "See, I was looking for you since there's a job for you to do... It'll help me out a lot."

"I'm not interested. I don't answer to you." Renzo said as he tried to turn around to leave, waving a hand in the air dismissively to excuse himself.

"I wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't important. It's not from me, it's orders from the higher ups. You understand what that means, right?"

Hearing this, Renzo stopped in his tracks and let out a long sigh before turning back around to face him.

"Alright. I'll listen to what you have to say. Get straight to the point." Renzo said with an annoyed roll of his eyes.

"I'll make this quick." After a short pause, his appearance began to change, gaining fangs and elongated ears.

"A demon... You've become a demon..." Renzo said as he took a step back in shock. "What did you do?"

"That Gedoin came up with a theory... He said he can force a demon to possess a body! With that, I took it upon myself to give it a try, without the use of his inventions, just to see what I was capable of... The rest is history. I'm not the only one who volunteered for such a thing, and with the few of us who survived, we're able to gain more power to our side this way. All it takes is to be compatible with one." Todo revealed.

"Now that you're telling me all of this, what is it that you wanted me to do with this information?" Renzo asked, not liking where this conversation was headed. "How are you able to use the powers of a demon like that?"

"I'll explain. You see, you were selected, by the commander himself, on a mission. You're the only one who can do it. My new powers relate to do with what he wants you to do."

"The only one who can?... Is it dangerous?" Renzo asked.

"Is that a detail that matters? Would you refuse if it was?" Todo asked, wondering what he'd hear.

"I guess you don't know me that well. It's the opposite actually. I won't say no, especially since I've had a crappy time at school lately. Give me the debriefing." Renzo answered with a shrug. "The reason you can use a demon's powers is because you forced it? That's different from summoning."

"You're very perceptive. I have my eyes set on another demon to absorb their powers. Just take a look at me and see the result! It's risky but possible. I already have the location, I just need some backup when I'm out there. That's all."

"So what you're saying is, you want me to tag along with you to find another demon to take it's power too? If it's not about fighting it then I change my mind. Count me out." Renzo leaned his back against the wall, not hiding his disappointment. "Sounds like something you can take care of all by yourself. What do you need me for anyways?... Am I really necessary for something so simple?"

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