1. Yukio's Inner Struggles

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*Kazue Kato officially announced that "Blue Exorcist" will be going on an extended break until April 2022 as she will be working on other projects.

*First two chapters are slow for setup, story starts by chapter 3. Hope you all enjoy!

*First half of this chapter is to explain changes in canon, second half is in Yukio's POV.

( Part One )

Way on the other side, just further down the various buildings of True Cross Academy's campus, there stood a single very old boys dorm, although it only really housed two in total. These two students are currently enrolled to attend their first year at this prestigious school. They were brothers, fraternal twin brothers known by the names of Rin and Yukio Okumura.


The atmosphere of the room was heavy, the silence was unbearable, and the inner feelings of helplessness was overwhelming.

Neither brother had spoken in quite some time as they sat in their room. One had no idea what to even say to the other since Yukio finally got back from the True Cross hospital just a few hours before.

Yukio was silently grading papers, his mind wandering and losing focus way too often, while Rin sat as his own desk tilting his chair back and staring at the ceiling with an expression that was hard to read.


Being a Middle First Class exorcist, of both a Doctor and Dragoon Meister, Yukio had recently returned from visiting one his students in the hospital by the name of Konekomaru Miwa. He only just recently woke up from his coma. Yukio had at least waited until he was told that Miwa was asleep to check on him, to not scare his student. This was all because Miwa, along with the rest of the Cram School students, now knew of the demonic powers Rin possessed.



Shura Kirigakure had been called in for another hearing by the Vatican concerning Rin's demonic nature, the truth found out by the current Paladin Arthur Auguste Angel of all people. Both Rin and Shura were placed under indefinite house arrest until things were settled, not allowed to leave without an escort and being watched for suspicious movements at all times.

Paladin Angel was praised for his "Bravery" and to have "Saved" the lives of those students at the forest, further damaging the name of Fujimoto who was criticized for raising Rin.

The whole incident was reported to the Grigori. Anything that had to do with Satan was considered too much of a danger to humanity, and they weren't willing to take any chances. Angel had taken in Shura and Rin that night to the Knights of the True Cross Order HQ for a big investigation in their courtroom to deal with this number one priority "Threat".

Even though Rin eventually returned, she was still kept back at HQ because of some suggestive rumors floating around the Vatican in questioning where her loyalties lay. She was found guilty of protecting the previous Paladin's secret of Satan's two sons existing in Assiah, a grave offense. They wanted to know why she let Rin live unchecked for this long, selfishly risking the lives of everyone. They interrogated her for why she didn't report it right away like she was supposed to as "Yamada". She was also blamed for Miwa's injuries because she didn't let anybody else know about Rin.

Because of this, she was not available yet to be Miwa's doctor. Yukio secretly went in her place to Miwa for the time being until her return, if they'll allow her to. Miwa couldn't find out Yukio was there, not yet. Several people were hurt trying to extinguish the blue flames, the doctors were short staffed from this incident.

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