16. Departure

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3rd Person POV

True Cross Academy, office of the Headmaster.

A few sharp knocks on the door stopped the voices on the other side from talking.

"Come in." Mephisto said out loud to the person standing behind the door.

In walked Ryuji Suguro still wearing his school uniform, who held a letter in his hand.

"Is this a bad time?" Ryuji asked as he stood between the doorway, noticing the other man standing in front of the desk where Mephisto sat. "Hey, aren't you...?" He questioned when he recognized who this extra person was.

"Mr. Suguro, perfect timing! We were just discussing about sending someone to bring you here." Mephisto told him. "Close the door behind you and come in, there's something we'd like you to know about."

"It's you!" Light said suddenly in an excited voice. "Finally got a chance to meet the one I've heard so much about! I suppose we'll also be working together in the near future."

"Wait, hold on. Working with? Since when? I'm here cause I got this letter to tell me the Cram School is shutting down. I don't want it to. There has to be another way... This can't be it!" He raised his voice. "I worked too hard for it to simply end like this. Everything I did, tell me that it wasn't a waste of my time!" He demanded from the two exorcists.

He waved the letter he held that announced the school's closure in front of him, not holding back his frustration at the shocking news.

"Slow down. I'll explain the reasoning behind it." Mephisto started off with. "Let me clear a few things up for him first." He said sitting upright in his office chair. 

"It's all you." Light said with a short nod.

"I decided to close down the Cram School until further notice. We don't have any students left except for you. Truth be told, nobody would dare to enroll now considering the most recent events. So there's no point in it being a thing at all really. At least, not right now." He said in a matter of fact voice.

"Is this because of what happened with the former Paladin? When he left and caused that big scene in the city a little while back? I know we don't have the best spotlight in the media because of it, but I don't care! I still want to be an exorcist! I'll go talk to Paladin Fujimoto and try to convince him myself. I'll go ask him to bring it back, or challenge him if I have to."

"Against a guy like Fujimoto? Wow! I like your spunk kid!" Light said with a big smile.

"I know, and I don't disagree with you. That's why I've come up with an alternate way to continue classes... Or something like that. That's why he's here." Mephisto said, pointing towards Light.

"Classes? With this guy? Are you serious? But why him of all people?" Ryuji asked, confused as he looked back at the exorcist standing next to him.

"Ouch, that hurt my feelings a little." Light said with a fake sigh. "I'm just kidding. But hey, it's all for a good reason. Promise." He shrugged.

"A good reason?" Ryuji wondered.

"Guess I should introduce myself then. I'm-" Light began to say.

"I know who you are, Lewin Light. You're the right hand man of the Paladin. Ranked second in the Order, Arc Knight. But I don't know what you standing here has to do with me if I'm being completely honest with you. I mean, weren't you placed on temporary leave under the suspicion of working with that traitorous Angel after he went insane?"

"Huh, guess you keep yourself updated on everything. I see. That's good to know! Knowledge is power, and you have a good understanding of it. I'll definitely need that." Light said, amused at his question. "Ah, and don't worry about such small details, my name's been all cleared up!" He added with a thumbs up.

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⏰ Última actualización: Nov 11, 2021 ⏰

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