When All Bridges Broke Down At IJN Mikasa (Part 5.2)

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(Spinoff Chapter: Drummer Girl 2)

(Underaged humans, get out of here.)

Except, it didn't happen as Lisa expected.

While tiptoeing away from their room, Lisa accidentally slipped, causing her to fall down with a loud thud. She groaned loudly, since her back was the hardest hit.

"It really hurts!" Lisa cried in pain.

Well, that garnered the attention of Sana and Dahyun, who happened to be still at the middle of their session and they got up to see Lisa still lying down in pain.

Lisa was attempting to stand up when she was grabbed by Sana on the neck, who appeared to strangulate her to death.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" Sana screamed loudly and angrily at Lisa, who was trying to get off of Sana's choke.

"S-Sana... L-Let me e-explain---"

"There is nothing for you to explain Lisa-unnie! You're obviously watching us!" Dahyun also cried furiously and restrained Lisa by the arms. (It is worth noting they're still naked at the moment they're attempting to kill Lisa.)

Meanwhile, at the dining room, Jennie and the gang heard the loud thud and the screams while they were just beginning to eat. Jennie felt to herself that something's wrong.

"Ahm Jisoo-unnie and Rosé, can you follow me upstairs?" Jennie asked and soon they followed her to the second floor. She later told Mina and Momo to stay behind.

They immediately rushed to the place where the screams are coming from, and they were shocked to see Sana and Dahyun almost strangulating Lisa to her death.

Instantly Jennie pulled Lisa out of from the danger while Jisoo and Rosé restraining Sana and Dahyun, respectively.

Jennie was obviously upset at the sight of her woman being strangulated by them. "What is the meaning of this Sana and Dahyun? Why are you choking Lisa to death?!" she asked angrily.

"It's because Lisa barged in here and she's watching us having sex!" Sana complained to Jennie.

"Yeah! Lisa's being perverted!" Dahyun seconded.

Lisa, who finally catched her breath, was able to explain her side: "It's not what y'all thinking! I knocked on the door three times, but I didn't got a reply from both you. Then, it happened that the door wasn't locked so I had no choice but to sneak inside. I was told by Jennie here to call you two for lunch but instead I left a note on the mirror. And then I accidentally slipped on the floor when I was about to leave and then all of a sudden these jerks nearly killed me!"

Jennie then confronted the couple. "You should have let Lisa explain first! You can't just kill her without her explaining her side first!"

"But Jennie-yah, Lisa should have told us first before entering," Dahyun countered Lisa's explanation. "And she should also be aware we're in our private moment together!"

"Dahyunie is right, it's an invasion of privacy!" Sana seconded.

"I think you should owe them an apology Lisa," Jisoo suggested of which Lisa objected at first.

"Why would I apologize to them? They nearly killed me!" Lisa shot back.

"Sooya's right Lisa, it's better to just say sorry them," Rosé added.

Jennie, after analyzing the situation a bit further, then told Lisa this: "Lisa, I hate to admit it but, they're right. You need to apologize to Sana and Dahyun. After all, I weighed your arguments and counter-arguments, but I really think Sana and Dahyun have a point."

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