Warm Rainy Day (Part One)

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(Warning: For readers 18+ only! Do not read this if you're not comfortable.)

(This story and its sequel are part of only a few stories that are not set in any ship of the Imperial Japanese Navy. And also my very first smut.)

(Jennie Kim's POV)

This morning's unlike any morning I have experienced here in Seoul. It was raining nonstop for three days. The reason is because of a frontal system that has been affecting the northern section of South Korea, including Seoul.

Because of heavy rains, some of our scheduled activities, like the weekly cleanup of our dorm, have to be moved to other dates for safety reasons.

I half-opened my eyes and gloomily looked at our wall clock. The time is 6:15 AM. Fortunately, today's a Sunday, and it means today's our rest day. This means I can spend my whole day with the girl I enjoyed a night with.

I lazily looked at our window just beside our bed. The sky is dark with rain clouds, with the rain continuously pouring down heavily, accompanied by occasional gusts of wind. I felt a little cold at that moment, not because of the cold wind but because I'm fully naked. I remembered we had sex last night, and it was so fun.

I felt a warm pair of lips running down from my neck to my left shoulder. I feel like she's tickling me so I reached out my hand to her face just behind me and softly caressed his left cheek. I turned myself and now I'm facing her.

Lisa smiled at me while she placed her hand on my waist. She later crawled herself towards me, until she's on top of me. I felt her warm body touching mine. Then, her face reached for my neck and left shoulder and started nibbling on it. I let out a silent moan while she continues to leave hickeys on them, something which I don't mind.

Lisa was the first to break the morning silence. "Good morning honey," she softly whispered to my ear.

"Good morning too," I replied back at her.
Lisa later went down to my chest, leaving kisses on it until she reached my breasts. I allowed her to fondle and suck on my nipples, and I moaned out her name in pleasure. I felt her warm tongue licking my hardened nipples, which I truly enjoyed.

Lisa later stopped sucking on my breast and she laid her head on it.

"How rainy it is today," Lisa sadly muttered while lightly massaging my right breast.

"Yeah," I replied. "But good thing we have nothing to do today, so let's take this opportunity to rest and do our stuff here."

"You know what honey," Lisa said while she worked herself up back at my face, "I realized something."

"And what is it that you realized?" I asked her back.

"After sucking on your boobs today, I realized they tasted like sour cream."

"Sour cream? My boobs tasted like sour cream? Really, Lisa?" I thought to myself.

I was completely confused by what she said about my boobs. I was really surprised that she actually commented like that to me. But deep inside I was laughing so hard I could hardly contain myself.

So I decided to play a prank on Lisa: I'll pretend I'm offended by her remarks and I wanted to see how will she react.

"Oh yeah?" I modulated my voice a bit to make it sound like I'm upset. I then pushed Lisa off to the side of our bed. "Then get off me," I scoffed. "I'm now removing your access to my body."

Lisa got entirely surprised. She really didn't expected that I would get mad at her, even if it's just a prank.

"Wha-What did I even do to you?" Lisa started to panic.

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