Chapter 3

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As I upped my cleaning speed, I openly glared at Gemini and his group of cronies. But they were still having a grand old time talking about pinup girls and Becky, and they were totally oblivious to my cold looks.

The teacher never came to do the cleaning check unless a student went and got her, so at this rate, I'd never get home.

'And this week's episode is the super exciting one where Monk Yellow finishes his month of rigorous ascetic exercises and comes back as Monk Gold.'

Man, remembering that made me want to get home right that instant.

"Hey," I called out to to them in a low voice. But they either didn't hear or were intentionally ignoring me, because they didn't turn around. I gave a little shrug and opened my mouth again. "Hey, Gemini."

As soon as I added his name, the guys around him turned towards me even faster than he did. Their reaction speed was like knights protecting a prince.

"Is something wrong, Fourth?"In stark contrast to the open wariness of the boys around him, Gemini's smile was infinitely pleasant.

"You bet your ass there is. Would you quit having fun with your entourage and start cleaning already?" I asked, voice dripping with sarcasm.

"What!? Who are you calling his 'entourage'!?" said a boy nearby named Aun, flaring his eyes at me angrily. Aun was thr hanger-on I got along with the least. He was always the quickest to lash out at me.

Gemini placated him and then turned to me apologetically. "Sorry, I know we've been slacking off too much. We'll finish up here, so you can go home if you've got something urgent to do."

"What? Why!? It's not fair if one person get to cut out early!"

"Look, Fourth's been cleaning all by himself. He's done enough for us already."

Aun and the others still looked pissed, but when they saw Gemini was serious, they grudgingly obeyed.

There was a real honor student for you! With that response he shot his own stock way up in value, and plunged my approval ratings way down, though I doubt it was calculated. He was perceptive guy, but he had a blind spot for people's jealousy and envy.

I was glad he let me go so quickly, though. I promptly turned around, put the broom in the locker we were using for cleaning supplies, and then went back to my desk and stuffed my books and notepads into my bag. Then, just as I was about to leave the room, I suddenly felt someone's gaze on me. When I turned to look, Gemini's friends were glaring at me. Their jealous eyes screamed, 'How dare you interupt our fun?'

If just one of them were doing it, that would've been one thing, but since everyone but Mark were glaring at me, it was seriously annoying. It'd be nice if the master of these mannerless idiots would do something about them, but that was a lost cause. He'd started concentrating on cleaning, and was oblivious to our silent battle.

I shrugged and turned to Gemini from the doorway. "Okay, I'm taking you up on your offer and getting out of here. You hurry up and get this place clean. Order your entourage to do it."

Hearing this, his hangers-on flipped. "Who are you calling his 'entourage'?!"

Who else? I thought, sighing pointedly.

"Hey, Fourth, why do you have to put things that way? It's pretty obnoxious," scolded Mark from next to Gemini. He was looking back and forth between Aun and me, apparently worried about the hostile mood. He looked like he wanted to settle things peaceably, but the others didn't pick up on his intentions.

"Eh, just leave him, Mark. Fourth complains no matter what Gemini does. He picks a fight with Gemini every chance he gets "

"Yeah, he's just jealous. Male envy is an ugly thing."

The voices of the entourage were filled with hostility.

"I, er..." Mark faltered. He looked as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he fell silent. I watched him coolly.

A long time ago, Mark and I were friends, too. But ever since the conflict between Gemini and I, Mark drifted away from me just like everybody else. I didn't care what Aun said to me, but Mark's uneasy face was the one thing that gave me a pang of hurt. I dropped my eyes, clenching my fist tightly.

Just then, a sharp voice suddenly echoed through the classroom. "Cut it out, you guys! You're being rude to Fourth!"

When I turned to look, Gemini's normally mild-mannered expression had been replaced by anger.

"But Gem...."

"Don't give me your 'buts'! It's our fault for slacking off. It's only natural he wants to complain!" He came and stood between us as if to shield me from them.

Gemini was always like this. No matter how nasty or sarcastic I was, he never got mad. In fact, he acted considerate of my feelings. He was such a good guy it was unbelievable. But it was hard for me to deal with someone so perfect.

He was softhearted, cheerful, energetic, and genuine---the type of guy who'd be the leader if he were in a superhero show. But putting it another way, you could also say he was the type who was friendly to anybody, who tried to be all things to all people. Call me warped, but when I saw him smiling at anybody and everybody, it irritated me.

I glared at Aun and the others, flung the door open, and left the classroom. Stomping loudly toward the shoe cubbies at the front door.


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