Chapter 11

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After that, I gradually started to talk with Gemini more.

For instance, if I saw him in the classroom in the morning, I'd give a little "Morning." If I passed him in the hallway, I'd call out a "Yo." And on my way home I'd say, "See you tomorrow."

They were just trivial conversations that didn't last more than two sentences, but still, considering how things had been, it was major progress, After all, up until a little while ago, I'd ignored Gemini every time he greeted me, and he hadn't paid too much attention to me either, maybe in deference to my feelings and the hostility of his groupies.

But there was one thing I had to be very careful about for us to have these conversations. I had to make sure I didn't badmouth Gemini. We agreed on this one day after school down by the garbage cans behind the building, in a conversation that went something like this:

"What, do I have to fawn all over you like your little entourage now?"

"No, no, that's not what I'm saying. I wouldn't mind anything you said to me, and you can let me have it all you want when we're alone. But if you say that stuff when everyone else is around, you know they'll start criticizing you again. And if I stick up for you, things get worse."

"True, but...okay, fine. I'll try not to push it when other people are around."

I didn't like having chummy conversations with Gemini, since they made me feel like I'd become one of his groupies, but it'd be a pain in the ass to get hassled every time I opened my mouth.

And mysteriously, after a week of playing nice had gone by, the Gemini-badmouthing that had been like second nature to me didn't happen unless I actively thought about it.

As a result, I was hardly bickering with Gemini's entourage at all anymore. Aun still glared at me, but he wasn't interested in picking a fight. Mark was happy I'd quieted down, and he sometimes came and talked to me.

Gemini watched all of this with a smile that said: "I told you so." Sure, peace was a good thing, but I wasn't sure I liked this-it felt like he was manipulating me.

I told Gemini this on the phone one night.

"Well, it doesn't sound like we can ever totally get rid of that sharp tongue," he said, with an amazed laugh. This made me sulk even more.

Yeah, fine, I know I'm warped.

"So, are you free tomorrow?"

"Huh?" I was lying on my bed with the phone, and when

Gemini asked me if I remembered that tomorrow was Sunday. "I don't really have any plans, why?"

"Exams are coming up soon. So why don't you come over to my place and study with me?"

"Man, talk about a depressing thing to say..." I groaned, scratching my head. "A study session, huh?"

I hadn't been over to Gemini's house since elementary school. It made me feel shy somehow, and I was afraid if I wasn't terse enough with him, I might soften into a smile. "Sure. I'll head over after lunch, about one o'clock."

"Okay. See you then."

"Uh-huh." I answered him briefly and then started to hang up. when I heard a soft little laugh from the other end of the phone.

"What's with that laugh? It was creepy."

"Oh, no, it was nothing." Gemini rushed to assure me.

Sure didn't sound like nothing, though...

"It really pisses me off how you do that."

He laughed. "I actually like that warped attitude of yours, though."

"What do you-?"

"See you tomorrow." He hung up before I could ream him out.

Frustrated at being cut off before I'd said all I'd wanted to, I heaved a sigh and flung myself back down on the bed.

I didn't know if it was because deep down I still had this image of Gemini as the meek person he used to be, but sometimes he threw me way off balance. When he messed with me, it confused me to a degree that surprised me. But it wasn't unpleasant. In fact, recently, I've started looking forward to Gemini's texts and phone calls. I was kind of disgusted with myself (I mean, I'd been so stubborn for so long! What had happened?), but I couldn't help feeling excited.

I'm like a girl waiting to hear from the boy she likes. "Wait, what am I thinking?!"

That absurd comparison put me in a bad mood. Sure, I hadn't gotten to visit Gemini's place in a long time, but I was getting too keyed up about it. It's not like I'm going to my girlfriend's house for the first time or anything... no, wait, that's a weird comparison, too.

I bounded off the bed and went over to my desk, opening up my English textbook to try to change my mood. If I'm gonna study with Gemini, I'm gonna make sure I can keep up. I'd be pretty lame if I had to get him to explain everything to me, after all, and even I wanted to show off a little.

But at some point during my pride-driven studying. I fell asleep when my eyes popped open again, the hands on the clock read 12:30.

"Huh...? Gah! Seriously?!"

I shot to my feet in a panic and paced around the room in anxious circles, like a caged bear. Gemini's place is about ten minutes away by bike, so if I brush my teeth, wash my face, change my clothes, and get ready all at hyper-speed...okay, I think I can pull it off.

Mind made up. I launched out of the room like a rocket and zoomed through the tasks on my mental to-do list. By the time I left home with my bed hair not quite tamed down, it was already 12:50. I jumped on my bike and pedaled ferociously, shooting through the neighborhood like an Olympic cyclist to Gemini's house, where I hadn't been in five or six years.


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