Chapter 5

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In the woods, it was quiet. When I stopped hearing Gemini's voice from the direction of the school road, I let my shoulders sag with relief. Ever since making enemies of everyone around me, I'd been most comfortable when I was alone. Maybe I was being overly self-conscious, but when I was in school, I felt like my classmates were always looking at me coldly, and I couldn't relax.

"Man, I'm lame." I muttered.

As I spoke, I felt unaccustomed tears welling in my eyes. I shook my head against them and concentrated on pulling myself together. If I'd even had one friend, I probably wouldn't have turned out this warped, but these days, even my old friend Mark and I hardly ever spoke.

When I left the woods, I was still in a glum mood. But then a large form suddenly stood before, blocking my way, and I let out a shriek.

"Oh, sorry I startled you. You okay?"

"G-Gemini...?" I looked up at the boy standing right in front of me, clutching my still-pounding heart. "What are you doing here?"

"I figured if you were going through the woods you'd come out around here, so I got here ahead of you and waited. I mean, if I'd chased after you, you'd have run, right?"

"Waited?" I mumbled to myself, stunned. He wouldn't have been able to come down the road to ambush me here unless ge ran pretty fast. Gemini may have been on the track team, but I wasn't a slow runner either. After all, I'd been a member of the track team, too.

"I was anxious to catch up since you took off in the middle of our conversation."

"Well, I don't have any more to say to you. I mean, hurry up and go clean, already. Mark and the others are waiting for you."

"Yeah, but I haven't really apologized yet. And then even Becky talked to you like that...I'm sorry."

"Like I said, that's not something you should apologize for. It's just annoying."

I'd unconsciously raised my voice, and Gemini was startled.

"Sorry," he said glumly. Then, after a pause; "But I really want to talk to you, Fourth," he sighed, a serious look on his face. "It wasn't just today, you've had a lot of bad stuff happen to you because of me for a long time, right? I should've helped you out, but I could never do anything, and I feel really sorry for that."


He bowed deeply to me in apology, and I looked away awkwardly. It was the kind of thing an apologu couldn't fix. If Gemini defended me, everyone around him would just glare at me more, saying stuff like "Gemini's just such a nice guy," and "You should be the one apologizing, Fourth."

"I'm reallg sorry I've let you suffer because of my uselessness."

"I told you to cut that out," I spat. "If you apologize to me, people will hate me even more."

Gemini's face clouded. It was plain I'd gurt his feelings, but I had the right to say that much. I believed that, but it didn't make me feel any better. There was a bitter aftertaste in my mouth that just kept spreading.

"Hey, Fourth. Isn't there anything I can do?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Anything to make things right with you. I'll do whatever you want."

"Okay, look, that thoughtfulness right there is exactly what causes me trouble. If you want what's best for me, just leave me alone."

"All right, I get that. But I won't feel right unless I do something." He drew closer to me, a serious look on his face.

But how the hell was I supposed to answer him?He probably wouldn't back down unless I said something, though. That stubborness was starting to piss me off. I bit my lip.

Gemini had possessed a strong sense of justice ever since he'd been a quiet little boy. If he saw someone in trouble he couldn't leave them alone, he'd take the initiative to look after them. Of course I'd brushed off his help, but setting that aside as an exception, his trustworthiness commanded respect even from our teachers.

I was a pathetic loser for always taking a jaundiced view of a guy like that. And I didn't like how his eyes looked like they knew what I really felt, either.

"All right," I muttered. "If you insist..."

But having said that, nothing came to mind. I pretended to think deeply, just wanting to give Gemini some trouble. I'd been treated unreasonably over and over today, and I was annoyed at him big time.

"Will you really do anything?"

"Yeah, of course." Gemini nodded emphatically.

The next instant, Becky's face popped into my head. I didn't know why, but on the spur of the moment it prompted me to blurt out...

"Then go out with me "

"...Out where?"

"The classic dumb response. I'm saying let's enter a 'chaste, platonic courtship." I said, straight-face.

Gemini's eyes widened, the smile frozen on his face.

Whoa, check out that dumbass expression. So even hunks can look like that, huh?

"Um, so you mean, um..."

He was totally flustered, as if I'd answered him in a language he didn't understand. I watched him broadly, I'd only said 'go out with me' to harass him, of course. I'd intended to reveal that I was kidding right away, but Mr. Prince's confusion was so entertaining that I decided to let him stay that way for a while.

"Well, think about it."I gave him a wave and turned away.

He didn't call me back. And so I got to go home in a brighter mood than I'd experienced in some time.


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