Chapter 8

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The restaurant was bustling with families, couples, and what looked like groups of students, maybe because it was the weekend. Face still burning, I left our order up to Gemini and went straight to look for a table. I couldn't stand the smell.of cigarettes, so I circuited the nonsmoking section and snatched up an open table I found near the exit.

"Whew." I leaned against the back of my seat, and a deep sigh escaped me unbidden. I was really tired, somehow---yet another thing Gemini was completely to blame for.

I mean, what the heck is his deal, anyway? First he says "Let's go out," then "Let's go on a date," then on top of that "Let's hold hands?" Isn't this going overboard.,even for someone who feels sorry for me? Sheesh, I totally don't get this.

"Sorry I took so long."

As I cradled my aching head in my hands, Gemini came up to me with a tray heaped with burgers, fries, and drinks. I kept my eyes trained on his face as he divided the food. But no matter how carefully I observed, there was no way to figure out how he felt. Just as I was forced to acknowledge once again that he was infuriatingly good-looking. Gemini raised his head and our eyes met. After starting a little in surprise at my gaze, his eyes crinkled and he gave a small smile.

Oh God, look at that expression. Cut it out, idiot! When someone that gorgeous smiles at a person, their heart starts thumping even if they're not interested!

"W-what? I'll pay for my share. How much was it?" I quickly searched my pockets for my wallet to hide my confusion.

"Nah, it's my treat. I'm the one who asked you out, after all."

"Quit treating me like a girl." I took six hundred baht out of my wallet and shoved it towards him, saying "Keep the change."

Gemini stuffed them into his wallet with a wry laugh and sat down across from me. But for some reason, he was still laughing a little under his breath.

"You haven't changed, have you?" he asked.


"You're as stubborn as ever, and you still love fish burgers. It makes me happy, somehow."

It took me a moment to respond. His words had been unexpected, and I was pretty taken aback. "I'm surprised you remember that."

It was true, I'd always liked fish burgers, and I always ended up ordering them at fast food places. But I'd never imagined Gemini would remember that.

"You order the same thing every time, Fourth. That makes it pretty tough to forget. Your drink is a coke every time, too, and you always put mustard sauce on your nuggets, am I right?" Gemini said gleefully after inhaling a few fries.

When he put it that way, it gave me mixed feelings. He made it sound like I was a really simple person.

"You got a problem with that?" I glared at him and tore into my fish burger angrily.

"So, what should we do today? If you don't have anything in mind, maybe we could go where I want?"

"Fine, but where do you want to go?"

"Let's just say you'll find out when you get there. There's something I wanted to show you." Gemini smiled impishly.

The enigmatic way he said thus sparked my curiosity, but no matter how I prodded him, I couldn't even get a hint. I felt pretty uncertain about the whole thing, but in the end, I fell silent with a feeling of resignation.

"Okay then, let's go. First we'll go back to the station," Gemini said.


Green Light (GeminiFourth AU)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu