Chapter 23

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I fought like a wildcat. I rained down blows on him with my free hand, and kicked him too. But he wouldn't let go, and when I lost my balance he pushed me down until I was lying on the tatami. He lowered his long body to cover mine. Then I was being pinned in place by his arms, pressure bearing down on my whole body so that it got harder and harder to breathe.

"Fourth, calm down. Breathe slowly."

I heard Gemini's voice right next to my ear. As he stroked my head, my breathing gradually came back under control.

"Did you mean what you just said?" Gemini's eyes were riveted on me. They were filled with uncertainty. I had no idea what to do with that anxious look. I didn't have the strength left to keep up appearances anymore, either, so I just nodded.

The next instant, Gemini's arms tightened their grip so hard 1 wondered if he was trying to squeeze me to death. "Ack!"

"I'm on top of the world. I'm so happy I could die." He buried his face in my shoulder. The arms wound around my back were trembling faintly. He was clinging to me for dear life, and bewildered, I softly laid my hands on his shoulders.

"But...what about Becky?"

"Huh? Becky?"

I weakly tried to push Gemini away, and he frowned dubiously.

"I saw how close you guys were. You had a pretty romantic mood going, too."

"What? Becky and I are just friends. I already told you we weren't dating."

"But she acts like she's really into you. And you were hugging and all. Plus, you went shopping with her too, didn't you? You even went to the trouble of lying to me about it."

"Oh, you were listening to that?" Gemini's voice went skittish. and he looked uncomfortable. "I'm sorry I gave you the wrong idea. But my relatives really were visiting, you know. And later we all went shopping together."

"... Together?"

"Yeah. Six of us total, including Becky and me. So it wasn't a date at all. It's true, she did once tell me she liked me, but I told her I didn't see her that way."

I definitely hadn't seen that coming, and I didn't know what to say. If Gemini was telling the truth, did that mean all my suffering had been because of a misunderstanding?! "B-but when you were talking with her in front of the nurse's office, you didn't look uninterested."

"Fourth, of course I was uninterested. I like you."


Startled, I looked up at him. His gaze was trained on my face. Seeing the serious look in his eyes, my heart started to pound, and I couldn't look away.

"When you told me in the nurse's office that you had someone you were interested in, everything went black for me. Why didn't you tell me right away how you felt?" he asked accusingly. At the sadness in his voice, I dropped my gaze.

"Well...At the time I was convinced you were going out with Becky, and I was so sad there was no way I could summon up the strength to tell you my feelings."

When I explained this in subdued tones, he gave me an intense look.

"Fourth," he began. "I like you and everything that you are-- the cowardice, and the warped parts, and all. After all, I've liked you all along, ever since we were in elementary school."

His whisper in my ear was passionate. It was setting my whole body on fire, making my eyes swim.

Feeling my fingers tremble, I said, "That's a lie."

"No, it's not," Gemini replied fiercely.

"It's a lie. It has to be..."

"I wouldn't lie about something like this."

"Then why didn't you say so from the beginning?"

"...Didn't I?"

"No, you didn't!" I yelled at the top of my lungs before I could stop myself.

"S-sorry," he replied, caught off-balance. "I thought I'd told you, but I was pretty nervous too, you know? I guess maybe it slipped my mind."

"Slipped your mind?! Give me a break..."

As I was beginning to doubt him again-how could the most important thing just "slip his mind"?-he suddenly leaned down and kissed me.

"Now will you believe me?" Gemini whispered. I just lay there stunned, and he gazed down at me misty-eyed. He looked so mature, so sexy, so good I could die. My heart leapt in my chest.

Wow, I thought limply, I guess when people say stuff like "She went boneless in his arms," that's not just a figure of speech. It really happens.

Eventually I found my voice. "Don't go showing off your handsome face at a time like this. It's embarrassing me."

"Oh? Then I guess this face is good for something after all, if it affects you."

"Come off it. Good-looking guys get a lot of perks, and you know it." I accused, half-jealous and half-wanting to take it out on the guy who was smiling at me with such annoying confidence.

Gemini cocked his head to the side a little, smile turning troubled. "When we were kids, people always told me I looked like a girl, so I've never liked my face. Though it's true that these days I'm a big, burly guy."

"Yeah, right. You're not burly."

If anything, Gemini was on the thin side. I turned my attention to the body on top of me to confirm this... Huh?

What's this? There's this...weird sensation...

"...Like I said, I'm a man now." He smiled shyly, and then rocked his lower body into mine. I instantly went red. There was something hot and hard pressing against my thigh. Obviously I knew exactly what it was. I was a guy, too.

"F-Fourth, can we?"

"C-can we what?!"



A/N: 🔞Should I post it or Not? 🤔

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