Chapter 21

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Two nights later, my father, my mother, and I all headed for the riverside fireworks display. This year, all of our yukatas were the same color, with just the patterns and little touches differing for each one. When I grumbled that it was embarrassing to wear matching clothes like some crazy couple, I got in trouble with Mom.

"What's wrong with looking like a nice, close family?!" she'd said.

My father, by the way, was grinning broadly. He had no complaints.

Are they going to be sappy newlyweds forever? It was revolting. Leave your recently heartbroken son out of it.

"Okay." I said, "I'm going to go take a look around."

I waved, and then split before they could start in on their lovey-dovey act and mortify me.

The fireworks display had already started, and there was a huge crowd. Stalls upon stalls lined both sides of the roped-off street, but there was a tight wall of people in the way, and I was never going to make it there. I gave up and let the crowd carry me along, just going wherever there was the most room to move.

When I'd walked far enough for the clamor around me to die down, I found myself in front of a small park with only two or three pieces of playground equipment. People in yukatas were sitting on the benches inside. I bought a fizzy drink from a vending machine and then leaned on the guardrail by the entrance. The cold bubbles popped deliciously in my parched throat. Halfway through the can, they started sticking more inside my mouth, and I stifled a belch.

"Phew..." I sighed, and looked up at the sky. I couldn't see the fireworks, but the booming sounds of the explosions vibrated through my body. Come to think of it, I'd come all this way, and I hadn't seen a single firework! But I couldn't work up the energy to brave that throng of people again. Effervescent carbonation probably suited me better right now than sparkling in the skies anyway.

Ha ha.

"That was a little lame," I said aloud to myself, and then blushed at the slip. I looked around to cover it up, and saw four or five guys making a ruckus as they walked down the street towards
the park. They seemed familiar, and sure enough, when I got a better view they turned out to be my classmates. I went wide-eyed and almost dropped my drink. In the middle of the group, wearing a T-shirt and jeans, was Gemini. And as luck would have it, he chose that moment to casually turn around, and our eyes locked. "Fourth...?"


He could've just kept going, but no, he slipped away from the group and jogged up to me. I sipped my drink, trying to hide my jitters. My pulse sped up and pounded in unison with the bubbles popping in my throat.

"So you came too, huh Fourth?" He paused. "Did your mom make that?"

"You've got a good memory." The feigned calm of my voice didn't even fool me.

"It looks good on you," Gemini said, but even that compliment was like a stab in my heart. Gemini's smile was a little dull, though. and his eyes wouldn't meet mine even though he started the conversation.

Something clenched in my chest, and I itched to leave. I was praying he would just hurry up and keep walking, when-

"Well, you're sure enthusiastic." Aun came up with the others to stand by Gemini's side, and gave me a sneer. "So even you come to festivals, huh? You're always saying how you hate crowds and noise, so I thought for sure you'd be home."

Another guy next to him nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you seemed more the type to be watching TV all alone or something."

The sarcasm in their tones ticked me off, but I clenched my muscles against the irritation, and favored them with a devilish smile. They'd been steeling themselves for a fight, and seemed surprised at this unforeseen reaction.

Green Light (GeminiFourth AU)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat