Chapter 25

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When all the girl's clothes came off, Aun's nose started to bleed. Gemini just shrugged, and then lobbed the tissue box toward his friend. Aun shot him a grateful look and immediately pressed a handful of tissues to his nose before turning to face forward again.

Three of their other friends were in the room with them, but nobody was teasing Aun. They all had more pressing things on their minds. Each sat formally on his heels with eyes wide and nostrils flared, hands balled into fists on his lap, eyes riveted on the porn movie playing on the TV. Gemini could definitely sympathize
with their feelings, but they were pathetic to look at.

He suppressed a smile and pretended to be as engrossed as they were. They were holding this porn viewing for him, after all. It had all started with a text from his classmate Euro.

"There's something I'd like you to see."

Gemini had tried texting back asking what was up, but Euro had refused to elaborate, and when pressed would only repeat,

"Please, just come take a look."

What was more, the way the texts were phrased seemed to indicate something pretty serious. Feeling he had no choice, Gemini had promised to see this mystery thing, and Sunday afternoon found him visiting Euro's place, where Euro met him at the door with a grin, bringing him back to the bedroom saying, "Come in, come in!"

Inside were Aun and three of their other friends, waiting for him with eager impatience. Gemini flinched when he saw the strange gleam in their eyes. When he asked what they were doing, Euro got a downright lewd grin on his face and informed him that they were going to watch a really great porno movie.

All of Gemini's strength instantly drained out of him. He'd braced himself for something serious! He told them that he'd be going home, but they all grabbed him with a chorus of "Come on, don't be shy," and dragged him down to sit on the floor next to Euro. And so, he'd been forced to participate.

"How about it, Gemini? Pretty amazing, eh?" Euro leaned over to whisper when it got to the good part.

"Yeah, you might be onto something. They do look a lot alike."

"Alike nothing! They're practically twins, dontcha think? Heck, that might be Erina Chitose for real!" Euro laughed like a perverted old man.

Gemini mumbled something vague in response and turned his attention back to the TV. It was true; the woman gyrating her hips on the screen really did look just like Erina Chitose, the celebrity.

Before they'd started the movie, they'd told him the story: Euro had found the DVD at the rental store, and since the porn star in it looked exactly like Erina Chitose, he'd rushed to text everyone else. They'd sent the serious sounding text message to Gemini because they'd wanted it to be a surprise. Gemini had said a while back that Erina Chitose was his type, so they must have read too much into it. Now they were trying to do him a favor.

But the fact was, it was a totally unwelcome favor.

Euro noticed that Gemini wasn't that into it, because he was pursing his lips.

"Jeez, man, you don't seem too thrilled," he said in a miffed voice.

"Well...I do think she's cute, but no, I guess I'm not that thrilled."

The woman on the screen wasn't Erina Chitose, but that didn't stop Euro from jumping to conclusions.

"What, is this like 'I didn't want to see my beloved pop idol doing filthy things like this"? You're more pure-hearted than we thought, huh?"

Denying this seemed like more trouble than it was worth, so Gemini just went with it. He sure couldn't tell them that Erina wasn't really his type. The only reason he'd ever been interested in her was because her eyes reminded him of someone he'd been in love with for a long time.

Just as the Erina look-alike was spreading her legs, Mark spoke up for the first time.

"Hey-it's true this chick looks like Erina Chitose, but doesn't she look a little like Fourth, too?"

Gemini's heart skipped a beat. But he was the only agitated one. Everyone else was just frowning.

"Fourth? You mean that Fourth?" They all said.

"Don't be stupid, man. Fourth's a guy!"

"Look, I'm just saying a little, okay? Like, around the eyes."

"You really think so?"

Aun's admiring eyes were still glued to the screen. The others all followed his example and gaped at the porn star. Just as they were trying to superimpose Fourth's face onto the woman's, Gemini lost it.

"They don't look alike! Don't say stuff like that!"

His shrill voice echoed through the room, far more angrily than he had intended. His friends' eyes bugged out with astonishment at this furious display.

"What's the matter, Gemini? Are you pissed that we said your beloved Erina looked like Fourth?"

"N-no, that's not..."

He let his gaze wander to avoid making eye contact with any of them. He couldn't tell the truth, but he
couldn't think of a good way to talk his way out of it, either. There was a moment of uncomfortable silence, and then Euro started laughing.

"Yeah, you're right."

"If Mr. Erina Fan here is so sure they don't look alike, you've gotta be imagining things, Mark."

"S-sure. But you know, it's not like I think they're all that much alike!"

"Course not! If this chick looked like Fourth to you, you'd need a serious eye exam."

In time, with the exaggerated shrug of Euro's shoulders, a particularly loud gasp echoed from the TV. The couple onscreen was finally getting down to business. Everyone swiveled back toward the TV, instantly forgetting the conversation and turning their whole attention to the porn.

That was close, Gemini thought, privately relieved. Unlike the rest of the boys in the room, he watched the sex scene with indifferent eyes. He'd said that they didn't look anything alike, but in reality he agreed-just around the eyes, she did look like Fourth. In particular, the way her face twisted with pleasure was exactly the same. When he slept with Fourth, Fourth had knit his brows with that same look of anguish. And then he'd called Gemini's name with that uneasy look on his face, eyes filled with tears, and started gripping him like a vise.


When the porn star opened her mouth, the erotic cry Gemini heard was Fourth's and it made him gulp. The image of Fourth that had sprung to his mind superimposed itself onto the woman on the screen, panting and hot for him. Fourth wantonly spreading his legs, pleading with Gemini to enter him right now, rolling his slender hips obscenely even as he bashfully averted his eyes.

Gemini put a hand to his parched throat and expelled a heated breath. His groin was throbbing wetly. It felt like it was boiling. He wanted to screw his hot, panting Fourth so bad, he could hardly bear it. He wanted to make him sob, pound into him, make him come completely, messily undone.

"More! Give me more!"

The Fourth in his fantasy writhed, and in that instant Gemini bounded to his feet.

"G-Gemini?" Mark called after him in surprise, but Gemini didn't have the leisure to answer. He flew out of the room and padded hurriedly down the hall to dive into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him nearly hard enough to break it.


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