A couple of days had passed since the Governor's little surprise visit. We were doing better in terms of securing the fenced walkways, while also taking out the few walkers that stretched their arms through the gate closest to our courtyard. We would stick any sharp object we could find through the links, stabbing them directly in the forehead. Although, we still couldn't muster up the strength or numbers to reclaim our field. For all, we knew the Governor had snipers just at the outskirts of the woods waiting for one of us to walk too far out into the open.
Most of us stayed within our cell block or the common area, with only two people switching out to watch every hour or so. I was currently curled up in my little single-cell bed, reading an old book that had been left behind, 'The Dos and Don'ts of Prison' by Gerald Macklebie. I was surprised an inmate actually carried this book around, from the stereotypes in old television shows you would think he would get beat up just for having this book. It kept my mind busy though, which I was grateful for.
"Andrea is outside!" Carl's little voice carried through the cell block, alerting everyone. I shot out of bed, grabbed my gun from beside the bed and raced down the steps to see what was going on. I followed close behind the group as Rick led us outside. They all looked nervous, thinking that Andrea brought the Governor along with her. We had no idea why she was here.
We ran down the steps in a single file line, our guns raised in defence. Rick ran up behind one of our cars and we ducked behind him. He turned around, waving his hand at Merle to push forward. He willingly did, running around to duck behind our truck parked closer to the gate.
"Clear!" He called out after peering through his scope.
We all ran up behind him, keeping our knees bent to stay low. I could see Andrea walking up through the field, approaching our main gate to the courtyard. She has a walker attacked to a snare pole, its two arms and jaw sliced off. It seemed to help deter the walkers away from her, but as soon as she walked past them they followed her scent. We now ran down towards the gate to meet her there.
"Are you alone?" Rick shouted to her.
"Open the gate!" She yelled back. The walkers from behind her were closing in.
"Are you alone?!" He repeated himself. At this point, we didn't trust her. Or more so, we didn't trust the Governor with who she was associated.
"Rick!" She squealed, helpless.
Rick looked at Daryl for a moment before nodding his head and tossing him the keys to open the gate to let her in. Daryl pushed it open just enough so she could squeeze through and as soon as she did he was yelling at her.
"Hands up! Turn around!" He grabbed her, throwing our once friend against the fence to pat her down.
"What!?" She said in a state of shock from the welcome home she was receiving.
He patted her down thoroughly against the fence. Lincoln and I remained with our guns pointed at her for backup. He was just reaching her legs when a walker threw itself up against the fence she had been pressed against. She screamed out in terror before Rick grabbed her and placed her on her knees.
"Get down, now!" He said as he ripped her bag over her head. "I asked if you were alone."
She breathed heavily in fright, her bleach-blonde hair falling out of its ponytail and covering most of her face, "I am," she finally answered. She stared at all of us like she was confused, almost as if we were different people to her now. We were all on high alert scared to be outside and she took notice of that.
"Welcome back." Rick greeted her angrily, grabbing her by the arm and leading her back inside.
We retreated to the prison, feeling safe again. Andrea took one step in, taking in our new home before Carol entered the room. They ran up to one another, embracing each other for the first time in over a year. I sat down at the table beside Daryl, waiting to hear what Andrea had to say, why she was here in the first place.

Stray // Daryl Dixon
Fanfiction"You lose everyone, that's just the way it is now. Get used to it." The new world, where blood and dirt stained your body like it was your favourite perfume. Gore, misery, and death now come with the art of survival, everything that you once knew wa...