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Hydro whisker's friend- a warrior cats fanfiction by: DrizzlyOcean
Requested by: DrizzlyOcean

First off I want to talk about the cover of the book. I liked the cover a lot. I thought it fits the story and the theme of the book. I also liked the light colors and the cat on it as well.

Next is the writing structure and grammatical errors. First up I want to talk about the grammatical errors. So, I didn't see any so far in the book that really affects the story which is a good thing. Next the writing structure, I thought was fine as well since I could get into the book and really enjoy it without having any prior knowledge about the actual book series since I've never read the books before.

Now let's talk about the summary. I thought the summary was good cause it tells you what it was about but I also wished it told a bit more. Other than that, it's fine.

Let's talk about the pacing and plot. The pacing I thought was fine. It gave me time to know the characters and what the plot was. The plot, I liked as well. Think it was interesting and makes you think on what's actually happening.

Now it's time for the characters and descriptions. First the descriptions. I liked the descriptions in the book. I think the settings and characters were well described well enough to where you can see what's happening in your head. Next is the characters. I liked the characters just fine and think they had pretty interesting personalities with their interest and hobbies. I also liked the dynamic between them as well.

Overall, thought it was an okay book and would recommend it to anyone who loves reading books like it.

Thanks for letting me review your book.


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