
52 3 0

The Potter Twins by: JesseKittenpup
Requested by: JesseKittenpup
Reviewed by: GwynethStarks

The cover is good, but is a bit too simple and bland in my opinion, a change of font might help. I understand how the title says it all but a bit of a summary would be great. As a (huge) fan of Harry Potter, I really liked how you used both the books and movies in your work.

I respect and admire the effort and research you made for the book. Plus, (spoiler alert) it was a huge relief that the main character didn't end up in Gryffindor.

But I noticed that at times it seemed as though the OC wasn't really apart of the story, mostly in the first few chapters where the characters addressed Harry Potter only, then quickly added Hailey almost like an afterthought.

There were few grammar errors but not too much bother. It came as a bit of surprise to find out that the book was going to have all of the years in it, seeing as each year was a different book in the original series.

Overall, it's an interesting read.

And that's the end of the review. Hope you guys enjoyed reading it and see ya in the next one.


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