Review# 89

35 5 2

Cloaked Grave by: sophlizm
Requested by: sophlizm

First off I want to say that I really liked the cover of your book. It really fits the theme of the overall story very well and in my opinion, tells you what the story might be about.

I actually enjoyed the pacing of the story. I thought it was well done and helps set up the story and what is to come next.

I also liked how the plot was set up and how the people try to get justice for the people who are being murdered but don't know who it is or why they're doing it.

Plus I like the main character. She isn't annoying in the slightest and just wants to help save her dad's company by babysitting a friend's kids, all while not realizing that the dad may be involved in something darker and just doesn't know it yet.

Plus I didn't see any grammar errors in your book.

Overall, it's a great story and would recommend it to anyone who loves reading books like it.


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