Celebis forest

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We open in a dark but colorful forest, all is quiet for the exception of the wildlife with their usual voices filling the trees with their voices. But we see a Pokémon fly as it is being chased by a houndoom. He zooms though the trees in hopes to shake of his chaser but the houndoom pounces but misses by inches. Then a scyther ambushes him and slams him to the ground but he is able to fly off. In another let of the forest a young boy finds a cave

???: of your going in be careful

The boy looks up to see a girl run down the wall  and land in front of him

The boy looks up to see a girl run down the wall  and land in front of him

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Girl: don't forget if ya hear a voice of the forest don't move

Boy: voice of the forest?

Girl: they say theirs a voice you can hear once the guardian of the forest is time traveling

Boy: time traveling?

Girl: that's one of his special powers. He can go from the list to the future

Boy: woah!

Girl: so if you hear a sound stop and stay still. If the spirit catches you he'll take you to a different time

Boy: don't worry I'll be careful

The boy then makes his way to the entrance and the girl gave him a load of bread as makes his way into the forest. Inside the fairy Pokémon flies over a flower bed as he it surrounded. He protects himself but he was overpowered as the houndoom and scythors owner comes

 He protects himself but he was overpowered as the houndoom and scythors owner comes

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Man: you e been giving me the slip for years! But ya won't today!

The Pokémon flees as his hunters close in on him. He shrieks making all the Pokémon flee. The boy from earlier sees the fairy Pokémon come and it's hunters as he tries to do something and sees the Pokémon pin him

Boy: leave him alone!

The Pokémon attack him but the Pokémon. Traps the two in bones and the two come to each other As the owner comes

Man: give me that celibi kid!

Boy: your not gonna hurt this Pokémon

The boy runs holding celibi in his arms. The. He shrieks making the trees glow. The boy stops as he makes it to the entrance and them celibi begins to shine and they are both disappear without a trace. That's as years ago, the man from the. Is now old and pines against the wall by his boss

Boss: is it true?

Man: I'm not gonna tell!

Boss: we'll see

We go outside to reveal Pokémon
Locked in cages but the mans sneasle releases a tyranitar . He the. Gets out a dark poke ball at the poke ball and it goes in. Then the Pokémon becomes evil and his power increases and then when it is released... it becomes a giant monster! It uneases hyper beam and it blows up a support beam and at everything around it laying waste

Man: okay! I'll show you where I found celibi!

The man starts laughing maniacally

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