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Hey everyone. I have a bit of an announcement. Remember the tapu guardians? Koko lele bulu and fini? Well I've been thinking. Maybe for the next chapter we can have them check up on the different parts of the animal kingdom based on their powers, and we're starting off with the tapu of the sea. Remember when I Easter egged bikini bottom in the Godzilla arc? That's because I was intending to include it into the story. So I've decided maybe we could take a break from Steven's adventures and see if we can have the spotlight on the every day lives of the animal kingdom before my big Steven king arc. So...

Now I know what some of you are probably thinking, "spongebob and shark tale? That's crazy

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Now I know what some of you are probably thinking, "spongebob and shark tale? That's crazy. Shark tale is the worst film ever!" But if I want to be honest with you,

I like shark tale.

It's one of my favorite movies growing up. Sure there are a few problems like the several fish puns, the character designs and the liar reveal plot that even the nostalgia critic doesn't like but I have a few things to say

1. The plot is actually well thought out and has a well thought out message of friendship and the values that you have

2. The acting is really impressive and the performance of will smith and jack black was hilarious

3. The underwater world was really amazing, it's like it's own version of New York City in the ocean, especially with the whale wash and the seahorse races

4. Some of the jokes are really funny, from the puns to some of the dialogue, and especially this

This alone made me laugh my ass off with me making my own spin with Blitzo from helluva boss instead of Oscar

This alone made me laugh my ass off with me making my own spin with Blitzo from helluva boss instead of Oscar

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5. The sharks as sort of a mafia is actually pretty intimidating, especially with the great white sharks as the leads, when I was little great white sharks was #1 on the things that scared me as a kid, especially from finding Nemo when Bruce went mental, I mean come on, that toothy grin when his instincts take over scared the shit out of me. And the sit down was moreso be with the other family's with the leopard sharks, the killer whales, the hammerhead sharks and the Marlins since their the top predators of their territory

6. The liar reveal thing sort of works, at first when Oscar took credit for frankies death, he genuinely though that nothing could go wrong since it was just a little fib, but when linos gang come to kill him, he sees the error he made and thought about quitting until realizing how hard he worked, and at the end when Angie tells him her feelings was genuinely heartfelt as Oscar realizes he had feelings for her and went to the lengths to save her after holding her ransom. And at the end when he finally told the truth really was well executed as he finally admits his lie to try and fix the mistake he himself caused

And with spongebob I figured that they should be part of the underwater world too. Think about it, both of these plots take place in an underwater city with human intelligent fish which can walk on their tail fins, speak, have technology with water safe electricity and fire and how they build their worlds is really impressive, especially with some of the size scales like the sharks big enough to swallow fish and plankton being a small organism constantly squashed and stepped on

So why not have this for an idea?

But what do you guys think?

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