Changing history

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The eclipse came, and arceus came from his demension unaware of what was to comeZ arceus entered the temple where shina was

Shina: I am shina. Here is the jewel of life

Arceus; where is damos?

Shina: he isn't coming

Arceus flew to her

Arceus: did something happen to him?

Shina: he was going to be tricked into betraying you

Arceus: what?

Shina: it's true, but I have the jewel-

Shina: it's true, but I have the jewel-

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The staff was empty!

Marcus: now!

All the Pokémon came and electrocuted arceus! Then liquid Silver came falling on top of him making him fall to the abyss below enraging the god Pokémon, but the silver starts dhardening and arceus was being electrocuted even more. The gang came to see what was going on and saw shina staring in horror as they saw Marcus had the jewel of life

Marcus: the jewel of life it right here arceus! But I'm not just gonna give it back to you

Steven: but we will! Football formation guys!

Charizard soars and snatched the jewel

Charizard: thank you!

He flies down and hands it to Steven

Steven: you should be in prison traitor!

Marcus: it was all shina who told me all about the future! Cause now history is about to change

Then more liquid silver came down in arceus drowning him

Steven: hang on arceus! We're coming!

Arceus heard Stevens voice and tries to look up but is overwhelmed with pain

Arceus: ahhh!!!!

Latias: everyone stop now!

They all make it to safer ground as Steven and latias try to find a way down to the legendary Pokémon

Steven: hang in there god. We're coming

With damos he helps shina get to safe ground as they transcend with one another

Damos: you must be shina

Shina: I did something foolish

damos: no. If only I'd known Marcus would betray me this way

With Steven and latias they dodge every ounce of electricity and liquid silver they could to make it to arceus. Said Pokémon tries his hardest to get back up but was in too much pain to even lift his head. Brongzong then came
And Marcus on him snatch t he jewel right out of them

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