Reef city

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We open in the tapu council where Godzilla rested as he only leaves monthly to keep the Titans around the world in check as all the Titans were on their best behavior. However there were a few rogues like the monster amhuluk who wanted the Amazon rainforest as his new territory even with behemoth watching over it keeping the jungles and forests of the world fertile and Scylla who was still keeping sea levels balanced so the ice caps wouldn't melt and flood, but got a bit hungry at times and admittedly took a few fishing vessels for a snack, but other than that everyone was behaving themselves. We see Godzilla looking up to see tapu lele coming up to hun

Lele: your highness, I know you have your reasons for keeping what arceus from telling us the prince's destiny, but is there something koko isn't telling me?

Godzilla: lele, this is higher than you and me. All will be explained in due time. Other than that how are things

Lele: fine as per usual. Although methuselah is getting a bit antsy with him and baphomet fighting over territory...again

Godzilla sighs

Godzilla: I'll take care of it soon enough. Now please return to check up duty

Lele: (sighs) yes your majesty

Lele leaves and fini enters

Fini: your highness

Godzilla: fini. How are things in the sea?

Fini: fine. The whales are preparing for mating seasons, and the sea turtles have started their migration, but the leedsichthys are getting a bit tired of filter feeding and wanna try something else

Godzilla thinks it over

Godzilla: tell them to see if they could try some seaweed, but leave some for the herbivores

Fini: of course

Fini is about to leave but then

Godzilla: and afterwards

Fini turns around

Fini: why don't you keep an eye on the south side reef in bikini atoll?

Fini: what?! You mean-

Godzilla: don't get carried away. It's a huge responsibility. Can you handle it?

Fini spins around rapidly squeezing in excitement

Fini: thank you thank you thank you thank you! I'll do my best your great Titanus ness! I won't let you down

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Fini: thank you thank you thank you thank you! I'll do my best your great Titanus ness! I won't let you down

Godzilla: you and the others never do

Fini heads toward bikini atoll as Godzilla gets up to take care of methuselah and baphomet

Godzilla: back on titan duty for me

We cut to the bikini atoll islands as things were starting to get a little better. After decades of uninhabitableness, bikini atoll was starting to prepare to be repopulated again. We see a fishing boat come to focus as one man gets a worm from a bait box and ties it to a hook. He aims his fishing pole and casts the line into the water where the worm holds his breath. He looks around to see if an fish were around

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