ZZSF 3: Chapter 10

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Fei Er's POV
Once I heard that, I froze in my steps. TongLin is kidding, right? She didn't meant it, right? Jason was about to walk back to her but I stormed over eyeing him fiercely, well I tried, and he walked out closing the door behind him. Zi Huai was sitting on the sofa staring into space and YuanRen looks so angry he could explode so he decided to make sure Jason gets out of this building by following him out. TongLin covered her eyes with her face and let out a long wail and crashed to the floor. ( Just think of the wedding scene in ZZSF 2 ). I quickly rush over.

Fei Er: 彤琳啊,别这样,来-
TongLin: 非儿我求你别管我!
* runs in the room and closes door *

Shock. That flow of talking is not TongLin-ish. Jason got her bad. Why would he do that? He completely crushed all my trust in him! I also don't get it why he would do this to his 小虫, I mean, he for sure loved her. She too.

Fei Er: Hey, Zi Huai. Are you okay? Did he do anything horrible?
Zi Huai: N..no. But..but why would he do that? The Jason I know isn't this 变态!
* Fei Er nods *

She is right, saying exactly what I was thinking but could not say out. Sigh, I wonder what TongLin is doing. 希望她不知做傻事。Jason 不值得你那样!

TongLin's POV ( after going in )
Calm down. You need to calm down. Why did you shout at Fei Er?


Shut up. 我没心情应付你. Whoever you are.


I pull of my rubber band from my hair and toss it over the room and dragged my feet to the phone. I look at the contact: 亲爱老公 ❤

* cries again *
TongLin: 不是吧?..明显的,不要我们了,还打来?
* hangs up *


I don't know why, but at that moment, I feel like hearing what he has to say. Maybe.. this is all an misunderstanding? I hope it is.

TongLin: 闪。
Jason: 彤琳,别吓我好吗? 你不可能跟我离婚的! 我保证我没有..没有那么对 Zi Huai!


Jason: 是 Zi Huai 不择手段,不是我。你得相-
* hangs up *
* Throws phone over room *

Through the door
I cannot belive this is happening to my life now. On my birthday.


RuiLin. I slowly walks over to her crib. ( hey people. Saying hey people makes me happy. So yea. Ignore this! )

TongLin: 瑞琳,你的爸爸不要我们了,是我傻! 不应该爱上他!

RuiLin reaches for my neck. No, not my neck. The leaf necklace. She started pulling it. Out of anger, I pulled it out with one SNAP. all the leaves scattered on the floor.

YuanRen: FANG TONGLIN! 我跟你说! Jason 背叛你不是世界末日! 就...就别管他嘛! 哭什么?

I use the blanket to cover my head and blocked off all the noise by wearing headphones. ( 这有点儿像志在四方1 Jason 为了爱情变crazy )
Jason's POV
She hanged up on me. Why are they ignoring me now? I DID NOT DO ANYTHING! Why is Zi Huai doing this? Hold up. If Zi Huai is doing all this 不择手段 stuff, won't Chen Guang know? He should. .....speaking of the devil.

Cheng Guang: Jason! Why still here? I thought you meeting Lingers? I was just about to go there.
Jason: Chen Guang. You know, don't you?
Chen Guang: What?!
Jason: You know that Zi Huai is trying to break me and 小虫 up.

He turned pale. He knows.

Chen Guang's POV
How did he know? Better question: What did Zi Huai do to make him suspect her? Oh no. I should tell should I? No, but Zi Huai said as long as she takes revenge, she will not do it anymore and will turn herself in. But if I let Jason know it will help her. Plus, Jason looks like he is about to cry. Something must have happened to him and TongLin. No. Chen Guang, you cannot betray your girlfriend.

Chen Guang: N..No! Wdym?
Jason: Chen Guang, if you know what is best for Zi Huai, you will tell TongLin the truth tomorrow. Bye.
* walks off *

So I was right. Something did happen to Jason and TongLin. Zi Huai, what did you do! I immediately ran up to TongLin's block.

End of ZZSF 3 Chapter 10~
Hey. Bye.

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