Chapter 1

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I looked at the high school in disgust as my mom dropped me off for detention on Saturday March 24, 1984, at Shermer High School in Shermer Illinois. I just sat there as a silver BMW pulled up behind my mother and myself. I noticed it was my enemy, Claire Standish. I could hear her whine to her rich stuck up father saying how she shouldn't be here and so on. You see we are completely different I'm a rebel, I vandalize property, steal, smoke, drink, do drugs, and my personal favorite back talk our principle and miss goody goody behind me. She on the other hand pretends she is better than everyone, thinks that she doesn't do anything wrong at all, and thinking that everybody cares about what she does, so forth. I told my mom bye and got out of the car. Before I could reach the gates of hell I heard my mom yell "Bye Stevie I love you," soon followed by a "watch it," then the sound of screeching tires on the pavement as a sign that she left the school grounds. I saw my crush since like forever, John Bender, he saw me and smirked. I watched him as he came up the steps, "What are ya waiting for sweets, the doors aren't gonna open themselves." He spoke with so much sarcasm it made my cold heart skip a beat. I opened the doors and walked in with john right behind me, soon other people that I've seen before in the halls watched us come in the library eyeing us closely. I sat in my normal every Saturday spot, the desk behind John because he likes to pick on the populars that sit up in the front and I just go off in a daze watching as he insults or criticizes them for their reputations. Soon enough Mr. Vernon walked in.
"Well, well, well. I want to congratulate you for being on time."
Claire interrupted "Excuse me sir, I think there's been a mistake, I know it's detention and all but I don't think I belong here."
"It is now 7:06," Vernon said in monotone, completely ignoring her comment. "You have exactly 8 hours and 54 minuets to think about why you are here.
I turned my attention from Vernon to John leaning back in his chair catching the spit he had shot in the air into his mouth. I looked at him amazed and with a smirk followed by a grossed out shock by princess up front. I mouthed an "awesome" to bender and he bowed his head as a thankyou.

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