Chapter 9

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John's POV
Allison and Andrew got back with our cokes and we started to eat. Not me because I didn't bring anything. I go and sit by the riches up front with their food, bothering them on what they eat. Claire has some type of weird ass tray, that she pulls out of her bag.
"Whats in there." I say
"Guess, where's your lunch?" She says
"Stevie's wearing it." Knowing that she heard I look over to her at the table next to us, and she's smiling and blushing, and trying to keep herself from laughing.
"Your nauseating." Claire says
I take a coke and throw it to Allison, as she slams it down onto the table. Claire pulls out a black box, chop sticks, and soy sauce.
"Whats that?" I ask
"Sushi?" I ask in a dumb voice.
"Uhh, rice, raw fish, and seaweed."
"You won't accept a guys tongue in your mouth and your going to eat that?"
"Can I eat?"
"I don't know, give it a try."
I look away and Andrew pulls out a big bag of ships, three sandwiches, chocolate chip cookies, milk, banana, and an apple. Shock, pure shock, all over my face.
"What's your problem?" He says
We laugh. Then we turn around to Allison when we hear a smack I look at the statue to find the meat from her sandwich on the top of it. She has her soda open, she takes out four pixie sticks, putting them on the bread. Then she puts the remains of them into the soda, so their like straws. Then she takes out captain crunch cereal, putting that on the sugar sandwich, putting both pieces together, eating it. We all turn back around as she eats her gross sandwich.
Stevie's Pov.
I hear John get up and walk over to me, but he goes to Brian, switches his soda with Brian's lunch.
"What are we having?" Says John
"Just your standard, regular lunch." Says Brian
John reaches his hand into Brian's lunch bag and pulled out a thermal.
He reaches in the bag again and Brian goes to reach for it, John slaps his had away and pulls out apple juice.
"That's apple juice."
"I can read."
Then pulls out a sandwich.
"Pb and j with the crust cut off, well Brian this is a very nutritious lunch, all the food groups are represented, did your mom marry Mr. Rogers?"
"Um no Mr. Johnson."
John gets up and walks over to the statue, saying..
"Here's my impression of a life at big bri's house."
"Son. Yeah dad. How's your day pal. Great dad how's yours? Super, say son how would you like to go fishing this weekend. Great dad, but I've got homework to do. That's alright son you can do it on the boat. Geee. Dear isn't our son swell. Yes dear isn't life swell. Oh*kissing noise* oh*kissing noise*." and then John makes it look like he is punching one of the parents.
"Alright well what about your family?" Says Andrew
"Who mine."
"That's real easy."
He gets up and goes back to the statue. This isn't going to go well. When John gets over there he rubs his face imitating his father.
"Stupid, worthless, no good god damn freedalodin son of a bitch, retarded, big mouth, no it all asshole jerk." Then he imitates his mother then switches between the two then to himself.
"You forgot ugly, lazy, and disrespectful. Shut up bitch, go fix me a turkey pot pie. What about you dad? Fuck you. No dad what about you? Fuck you. NO DAD, WHAT ABOUT YOU!? FUCK YOU!" Then Bender pretends that his dad hit him and comes back to us. Knowing that this happens to him, makes me think about my home life, and what my dad does to me.
"Is that for real?" Asks Brian
"Wanna come over sometime?" Asks John.
"That's bullshit, it's all part of your image, I don't believe a word of it." Says Andrew
"You don't believe me?"
"Did I stutter?"
John goes over to Andrew and lifts up one of his flannel sleeves showing the scar that is a size of a cigar.
"You believe this, it's about the size if a cigar, did I stutter?" He shoves it more towards Andrew's face because he looked away. I'm over here crying to my self because I have one, but it's a cigarette size and it's on my wrist.
"See I don't think that I need to sit with you fucking dildos anymore."
He goes over to a shelf and pushes the stuff off of it yelling, then jumping on it, climbing up the railing onto the stairs, jumping down then sitting down. I look up from my lap, over to Andrew.
"You are such a prick, you shouldn't of said that."
"I'm a prick because I didn't believe that he wasn't lying."
"No, your a prick because you think that everyone lives a life where it's nothing but sunshine and rainbows with a pot of gold at the end." With that I got up and went over to John, wiping my tear stained cheeks because I don't want him to feel pity towards him, also I don't want him to see me cry. I take a seat next to him on the stairs.
"You know if your going to throw pity my way, you can just go back down there."
"I'm not here to pity you."
"Then why are you here, and don't even say that you know how I feel, because you don't, I know you get abused a home too but probably not as bad as me."
"Well I'm not going to lie and say that I don't, but did your father beat you at 3:00 this morning then return at 6:00 when your about to go out the door. I had to change my clothes because of the blood that his rings caused."
"Well I'm sorry for what he does to you."
"Don't be."
It was silent until Bender spoke up.
"You wanna get out of here."
"Yeah, where."
"To my locker, I have some "stuff" in there if you want some."
"Hell yeah, I could use a little buzz, but they might want to go."
"Yeah your right they might rat us out to Vernon."

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