Chapter 7

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Everyone was doing their own thing, Bender and I are smoking my last cigarette, Andrew is messing with his hoodie strings, Claire is in her little world, Allison is drawing, and Brian, well Brian has a boner, growing over Claire. John lit the tip of his boot on fire and brought it to his face so he could light the cigarette. Then Allison took a string and rapped it around her finger cutting off the circulation to it. Just  before the fire on John's boot got way out of hand I smacked the fire putting it out, causing him to look at me shocked. John leaned back pulling me with him soon enough we were leaning on the table behind us and we fell asleep, along with everyone else. I woke up to something moving lightly on my face, I tried multiple times to swat it away as a hint for whatever it was or is to let me sleep. Once it got to my lips my green eyes shot open and came in contact with brown ones that belonged to...
John Bender.
It was his finger that was tracing my face this entire time. We we're staring at each other for a long time now and then he started to lean in, I'm staying still because I don't know what to do. He kept getting closer and closer, our lips were touching, but barely, so we weren't exactly kissing. Our tabacco breath was colliding with each other making me shiver. His hand cupped my face making me melt within his touch. My eyes are closed but, his are not, I can feel his stare burn into my face studying every single detail of it. Our lips are so close that you could only fit a single piece of paper between, so close that in one move we would be kissing, we are so close. John started leaning in again, but slower that the first time seeming as if he would brake me if he made a wrong move, almost there.


The door slammed shut and out of nowhere Vernon walks in yelling at everyone to wake up, causing Bender and I to separate, dick shouted asking who has to use the lavatory. All hands rose except mine. I was still shivering.

Stevie's pov

John and I are sitting on the main desk, Claire is doodling, Andrew is stretching and Brian is looking at me from behind a post that was next to me. Allison still didn't move from her seat and I am watching John rip out pages from a literature book, throwing them across the library.
"Thats real intelligent." Said Andrew
"Your right," Bender said as he is still ripping pages "it's wrong to destroy literature. It's such fun to read. And, molay really pumps my nads."
"Moliere," Claire smirked followed by a bite to her lip.
"Oh he'll no." I thought. "No fucking way, she's fucking flirting with John. That bitch!"
I turned my head to John to find his face full of shock.
"I love his work," Brian noted.
John ripped out a couple more pages and threw them in Brian's direction, also in mine, Brian hid behind the post taking cover from the papers that are everywhere. John grabbed a card holder and started to mix them up.
"Big deal," Bender said, "Nothing to do when you're locked in a vacancy."
"Speak for yourself." Said Jock.
"Do you think I'd speak for you? I don't even know your language."
Andrew and Claire got into their own little conversation about a party tonight, I was so bored with it already I decided to go talk with Brian since John was to intrigued into the snobs' conversation. I stood on the table and started walking to the post where Brian was, taking a seat on the table in front of him.
"Hey." I said
"H-hi." He said nervously
"What are you doing?"
"Keeping my distance from Bender."
"He's not so bad."
"Yeah h-he is and your just saying that because you two are the same."
"N-no he's not and I'm saying that because he really is a great guy if you get to know him."
"Yeah, whatever."
"Anyway, do you like Claire?"
"Er um ya I guess."
"You guess. Well Brian I think that you do."
"Oh ya and why do you think that?"
"Because I saw you grow a boner over her earlier."
He didn't say anything.
"Don't worry, I wont tell a soul."
"Really, you promise."
"Why not."
"I don't know, I'm just kidding, I promise. Hey listen can you do me a favor."
''Yeah, what, do you need?"
"Can you keep Claire away from John, I really like him and I think she's going to get in the way."
"Uh I-I I don't know."
"Please Brian."
He gets up and leaves, leaving me alone on the counter to think for a long time. Then I hear something about being a virgin, white wedding, some kind of losers sex dream, stomping, and some shuffling. Next thing I know, Andrew and John are fighting and poor Brian is in the middle. I don't make a big deal out of it, but then I hear the sound of a switch blade.
John Bender's switch blade. With a grunt, he stabbed the top of a chair with his switch, followed by a stern look to Andrew.
"Let's end this right now." Yelled Andrew, as Allison takes the switch. "You don't talk to her, you don't look at her, and you don't even think about her, you understand me?"
"I'm tryin' to help her." Said John
John then comes over to the counter where I'm sitting, takes my hand and leads me to the other front table, next to Claire and Andrew.

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