Chapter 8

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Stevie's POV
One of my favorite people out of this entire prison came into the library, wheeling his trash can with the different kinds of cleaning sprays around the ring of the can, with his mop on the side, and of course his radio, to give him some nice tunes to jam out to. Carl Johnson.
"Hey Brian, how you doing?" Asks Carl
"Your dad works here?" Smirks John
"Uhh Carl?"
"Can I ask you a question?"
"How does one become a janitor?"
"You want to be a janitor?"
"No I just want to know how one becomes a janitor, because Andrew here is very interested in pursuing a career in the custodial arts."
"Oh really, you guys just think that I'm some untouchable peasant, peon huh. Maybe so, following a broom around shitheads like you for the past eight years, I've learned a couple of things. I look through you letters, your lockers."
John and I both look up. We store weed in our lockers. Carl continues.
"I listen to your conversations, you don't know that but I do, I am the eyes and ears of this institution my friends." He looks down at his watch and then back at the giant one behind us and says.
"By the way that clock is twenty minutes fast." Everyone besides me and John turn our heads to look at it, because we spend a lot of time in here with Carl and Vernon himself. John and I walk back to his seat and I take his scarf tying it around my head. John looks at me and smirks laughing at my hair all over the place.
"Do I look weird?"
"I don't?"
He just laughs
"Of course not, to me you never look weird."
"Oh so you check me out huh?"
"Maybe, maybe not." He says turning his head away from me looking towards the door. I sit there smirking at him until I untie the scarf off of my head, tying it onto his. He looks at me and I do nothing but look straight ahead at the door. He starts whistling and soon everyone joins in. Richard Vernon comes in and everyone stops except John, who is now whistling, Beethoven.
"Alright girls, that's thirty minutes for lunch."
"Well I think the cafeteria would be a more suitable place for us to eat lunch in sir."
"Well I don't care what you think Andrew."
"Uh dick, excuse me Rich, will milk be made available to us?" Asks John sarcastically
"We are extremely thirsty sir." Said Andrew
"I have a really low tolerance for dehydration." Said Claire
"I've seen her dehydrated sir, it's pretty gross." Said Andrew 
Relax, Stevie and I will get it." Said John
"Ah, ah, ah, grab some wood there you two, what do you think, that I was born yesterday you think that I want the both of you roaming these halls?"
"You." He points to Andrew
"And you, hey what's her name wake her, wake her up, hey on your feet missy let's go, this isn't no rest home. Soft drink machine in the teacher's lounge, let's go."
With Andrew and Allison gone, Brian, Claire, John and I go sit around the statute in the middle of the library. John and Claire sit at desks, Brian sits on a railing with his knees brought to his chest, and I have my back up to the statue with my eyes closed. I feel someone's eyes on me, but when I open them, no one is looking at me.
"Claire? Want to see a picture of a guy with elephant tetus of the nuts, it's pretty tasty." Asks John
"No thank you."
"How bout you Stevie?"
"I'm good, thanks." I laughed
"How do you think he rides a bike. Oh Claire, would you ever consider dating a guy like this."
I just sit there a smile.
"Cant you just leave me alone?" Asks Claire
"I mean if he had a great personality, was a good dancer, and has a cool car. Although you would probably have to ride in the back seat because his nuts would ride shotgun."
"You know what I wish I was doing?"
"Oh watch what you say, Brian here is a cherry."
"A cherry?" Asks Brian.
"I wish I was on a plane, to France."
"Well just ask your daddy Claire, maybe he can take you." I snap.
She doesn't say anything but gives me this look of disgust. Can she wipe that face off her head, before I do?
"I'm not a cherry." Said Brian
"When have you ever gotten laid?"
"I've laid lots if times."
"Name one."
"She lives in Canada, I met her at Niagara Falls, you wouldn't know her."
"Ever laid anyone around here?"
Brian brings his finger up to his mouth motioning John to be quiet, then he points over by Claire.
"Oh, you and Claire did it."
"What are you talking about?" Asks Claire
"Nothin', nothin', let's just drop it, we'll talk about it later."
"No drop what, what are you talking about?"
"What Brian is trying to tell me, in addition to the number of girls in the Niagara Falls area, that presently you and he are riding the hobby horse."
"Little pig."
"No, I'm not, I'm not. John said that I was a cherry and I said I wasn't, that's it, that's all that was said."
"Then why were you motioning to Claire for?"
"You know I don't appreciate this very much Brian."
"He is lying."
"So you weren't motioning to Claire? So you were motioning to Stevie?"
"Stevie you know he's lying right."
"Were you or are you not motioning to Claire."
"Yeah, but it was only, only because I didn't want her to know that I was a virgin okay."
John just looks at him shocked.
"Well excuse me for being a virgin, I'm sorry."
"Why didn't you want me to know that you we're a virgin?"
Because he likes you Claire.
"Because it's personal business, it's my personal, private business."
"Well Brian, it doesn't sound like your doing any business."
"I think that it is okay for a guy to be a virgin." I butted in.
While John looks at me shocked, Brian says.
"You do?"
I look back at John, then to Brian and say.
"Yeah." As I nod my head.
"So do I." Said Claire
Brian just looks at John with a smile and brings his head onto his knee.

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