Chapter 6

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Stevie's POV
John goes over to the door and takes the screw out of the hinges.
"Come on Bender, stop fooling around," enforced Andrew.
"What are ya going to do," says princess.
"Drop dead I hope," snarled Andrew.
"Bender that's school property there and it doesn't belong to us so it can't be toyed with," says Brian.
"Everyone just shut up we've been here before, he knows what he's doing." I command.
"No! He needs to leave the door open!"
Then door soon slams and Bender comes running back to his original seat, next to me. He puts the screws in my hands and tells me to hold on to them for him, before I knew it everyone was yelling and I was to worried about putting the screws in my pocket to even notice what they we're saying.
"God damn it!" We all hear in the hallway. Vernon comes in here slaming the door.
"Why is that door closed...Why is that door closed?!"
"How are we suppose to know, we arent suppose to move right?" Said John
"Why!" he screams at Claire
"We were just sitting here." She says.
"Who closed that door?" Vernon asked again.
"I think a screw fell out of it," said John.
"It just closed sir," said Andrew.
"Who?!" He asked towards Allison.
She just squealed.
"She doesn't talk sir," said John.
"Give me the screw," commanded Dick.
"I don't have it."
"Want me to yank it out of ya."
"I don't have it, screws fall out all the time, the world is an imperfect place."
"Give it to me Bender, maybe your little girlfriend miss Carter has it?"
"Why would anybody want to steal a screw?" Asked princess, wow she is actually defending us.
"Watch it missy," said Vernon to Claire.
He goes up to the door and calls Andrew up to help him move a shelf after his attempt to put a chair in front of it.
"That's very clever sir, but what if there's a fire? I think violating fire codes and endangering the lifes of children would be unwise at this junction of your career sir."
"Okay what are you doing with this, get this outa here for god sake what's the matter with you." Vernon says to Andrew.
"You know the school comes equipped with fire exits at either end of the library." Brian says to John.
"Show the Dick some respect." Bender says back.
They both come walking back from the door and Andrew takes his normal spot.
"I expected a little more from a varsity letterman."
"Your not fooling anybody Bender, the next screw that falls out is gonna be you."
"Eat my shorts." John says only so I,can hear.
"What was that." Asks Vernon
John says it a little louder this time, "eat my shorts."
"You just bought yourself another Saturday Mr."
"Ugh I'm crushed."
"You just bought one more right there."
"Well I'm free the saturday after that, beyond fact I think I'm gonna have to check my calendar."
"Good, because it's gonna be filled, we'll keep going, do you want another one. Just say the word, say the word, instead of going to prison, you'll come here."
At this point I couldn't take it, I stood up and told Vernon to stop, that he doesn't need this. Bender grabbed my waist pulling me back down in my seat, then I put my legs over his so he wouldn't jump up and kill Vernon. But Vernon being Vernon he kept goin, but he wasn't finished with me.
"Miss Carter, I advise you to stay out of this, I mean do you want more detentions like Bender, your already spending three more months here for vandalism instead of doing community service."
I shut up and he continued with Bender.
"Are you through?"
"I'm doin society a favor."
"That's another one right now, I've gottcha for your natural born life if you don't watch your step, do you want another one."
"You got it, you got another one right there, that's another one pal."
"Cut it out," I screamed at John, mouthing "stop" after, he doesn't need all of the detentions I have.
"You through."
"Not even close bud."
"Good, you got one more right there."
"Do you really think I give a shit."
"You through?"
How many is that."
"Thats seven including the one when we first came in here and you asked Mr. Vernon here, whether Barry Manilow knew that he raided his closet." Said Johnson.
"Now it's eight, you stay out of it."
"Excuse me sir it's seven."
"Shut up pee wee."
"Your mine Bender for two months, I gotcha, I gotcha."
"What can I say I'm thrilled." John said through gritted teeth.
"Oh I'm sure that's exactly what you want these people to think, you wanna know something Bender, maybe you outta spend a little more time trying to make something of yourself and a little less time trying to impress people, you might be better off. Alright that's it, I'll be right outside those doors, the next time I have to come in here, I'm cracking skulls."
John mouths what Vernon says. Leaving, Vernon turns around putting a rock n' roll hand sign up showing how many months he has with Bender. After he leaves John screams "fuck you" towards Vernon soon followed by a whisper, "fuck."

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