Chapter 10

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Stevie's POV
We we're on our way to John's locker when Claire asks,
"How do you know where Vernon went?"
"I don't." Said John
"Well then how do you know when he will be back?"
"I don't." He says
"Being bad feels pretty good huh?" I said
When we get to his locker, I hurry and walk to mine which is like ten lockers down and get my grass as well as having Brian yell at me asking where I'm going. When I get back to John's locker I everyone is starting to leave to go back to the library, I catch up to John and walk next to him.
"We'll cross through the lab, then we'll double back." Says John
"You better be right, Vernon cuts us off it's your fault." Says Andrew
We come to a turn before the lab and see Vernon walking down the hall in front of us. We start to run, we have to turn around and I notice that Allison is just leaning up against the lockers, so I grab her hand and drag her a long with us. We come up to another hallway and see Vernon at the end with his head in a water fountain. We're sliding to a stop, and John grabs my hand pulling me back with him, we ran down stairs and through halls trying to stay away from the dick himself.
"Wait, wait hold it, we have to go through the cafeteria." Said John
"No the activities hall." Said Andrew
"Listen you don't know what you're  talking about."
"No, you don't know what you're talking about, now we're through listening to you, we're going this way, do what you want."
They start running and John just stays in place.
"COME ON!" Yells Andrew
We need to leave so I grab John's hand being the one to pull him back with me this time and we start to run with them. Running down more stairs and down more hallways, we came to a gate keeping us from going anywhere else.
"Nice going Jega ." Said John
"Fuck you."
"Fuck you! Why didn't you listen to John?" Said Claire
"We're dead." Said brian
John looks down at me and gives me a look.
"No, just me, Stevie get them back to the library." He said as he shoved his weed in Brian's pants. "Keep your unit out of it." Before I could even protest, he starts running down the hallway singing. We jog our way back to the library making it without being caught.
20 minutes or so has passed and I'm getting worried. John would've been back by now. The door comes open and in walks John with a pissed off Richard right behind him.
"Mr. Wiseguy here takes it upon himself to go to the gymnasium, I'm sorry to inform you, but you're going to be without his service for the rest if the day." Says Vernon
"B-o-o-h-o-o." Spells John as he sits down next to me.
"Everything's a big joke huh Bender, the false alarm you pulled Friday, false alarms are really funny aren't they. What if your home, what if your family, what if your dope was on fire."
"Impossible sir, it's in Johnson's underwear."
Andrew dryly chuckles.
"You think this is cute, you think he's funny, you think he's bitchin', is that it? Let me tell you something, look at him, he's a bum, you wanna see something funny, you go see John Bender in 5 years, you'll see how God damn funny he is." He walks over to John and I.
"What's the matter John, you gonna cry."
He doesn't answer
"Come on let's go." He pulls John up by his arm and I stand up as well.
"Hey keep your fucking hands off me, I expected better manners from ya dick." He stops and turns at me leaving me his scarf smirking, then going up to Andrew and giving him his glasses.
"For better hallway vision."
With that they head out the door, with John pushing printers and such of the counter.
Half an hour later we hear a crash, followed by a "ohhhhh shit." John.
He comes down the stairs acting as if nothing happened. I'm sitting back at the front desk.
"Forgot my pencil."
And we hear Vernon coming down the hallway. John is standing next to me so he hides under my table.
"What in gods name is going on in here?"
We all shrug
"What was that ruckus?"
"What ruckus?" Asks Andrew
"I was just in my office and I heard a ruckus."
"Could you describe the ruckus sir."asked Brian
"Watch your tongue young man watch it."
John hits his on the table making a noise. Andrew hits in his desk, John hits back, Allison puts her feet down on the floor.
"What is this."
Andrew makes a zip noise
"What is this, what is that, what is that noise."
"Really Rich, there wasn't any noise." I get cut off because John put his head between my legs, surprising me, I squeeze my legs together, getting him away. He yells and I try to cough to cover it up soon everyone else coughs.
"Was that it, was that the noise you were talking about?"
"No it wasn't, that was not the noise that I was talking about, now I may have not caught you in the act this time, but you can bet I will."
Allison then laughs
"You may book on that missy."
"And you," he points to me, "I will not be made a fool of."
When everyone's laughing, I remember John right below me. I scoot my chair back and he crawls out. When he faces me he likes that there is a smirk on both of our faces.
"It was an accident."
"Your an asshole." I said smiling
"Sue me."
He gets up walks over to Brian and asks for his weed.
"So ahab, kaba my doobage."
A/N: I don't know if that's right^
Brian reaches into his pants and grabs Johns marijuana handing it to him.
"Yo wasteoid, you're not not going to blaze up in here." said Andrew. But John ignored him and went in the back where the couches are. Taking mine along with me I join him for a tasty buzz.

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