For The Sake Of Her Life

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As Ascian predicted, the princess had started attracting attention even when she is disguised as a maid. A low growl escaped from his throat as he felt the weight of prying eyes that stared in their direction. And although the princess' face was hidden under her veil, she wasn't exactly doing a good job in pretending.

Perhaps he should not bother protecting her, she was the first to approach him after all. But then what? the commander contemplated. She'll probably get lashes like him for sneaking around under disguise. He felt the muscles of his back still burning with stinging pain.

He endured it because he is a warrior, he's used to pains but the princess? He looked at her from the corner of his eyes. That delicate, small princess? The feel of her fingertips on his bare skin was the softest thing he had ever felt.

Will she be able to bear the pain? Not that he cared. Moreover, the emperor won't be so harsh to his precious daughter.

And then there was this young boy who wouldn't stop staring at her. Ascian sized him up with his gaze, an old habit of predicting the enemy before the fight.  Rugged face, strands of dark hair shadowing the eyes, a body rather big for a young boy. He looked like barbaric slaves bred for wars.

But why is he gawking at the princess? Had he smelt her feminine scent or something like that?

Ascian stepped in front of Inara, shielding her from the Aydin's stare. "You can go now if you don't have anything to say."

But Aydin stayed still; his eyes dead fixated on the princess hiding behind the commander's frame.

Please go away Aydin, Inara prayed in her mind. You're going to get us caught at this rate. Please...

One of Ascian's subordinate spoke, "Looks like this boy needs to be taught a lesson. We have to punish him before he becomes more defiant."

Ascian lowered his head near Inara's ear, "you should go now."

"I won't" Inara whispered back. "I won't till you promise me to accept my request."

Request my ass... Ascian swore in his mind. She invades my training session and blackmails me and then calls it a request?

"My patience is wearing thin," his jaw clenched. "You've risked enough for both of us."

"Then say yes." Inara prodded.

"Very well," Ascian responded to the crowd in front of him, glaring at Aydin through his narrowed eyes. "Take him in the arena and beat him until he accepts his mistake. This will serve a good example for everyone who doesn't know to obey orders yet." 

Inara tried not to stare at the guards dragging away Aydin back to the arena. For the love of gods, he will give up soon, right? If not...... the possibility made her stomach lurch. 

I can do nothing but pray for his safety, she winced in her mind, a feeling of guilt heavy down her throat. He was kept in captivity for most of the time since he is alive. How can I expect him to be civil in front of others? Somehow, I'm responsible for the punishment bestowed upon him.

Ascian's voice cut through her thoughts. "At midnight. The clearing inside the forest behind the palace. We'll see to exactly what we can do to your request." His words were short, curt like he is giving instructions to another of his soldiers.

The princess frowned. He will see? After all, I've risked to persuade him? He sure is bull-headed for a commander of the imperial army. She opened her mouth to object but Ascian beat her to it.

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