Restless Nights

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Her eyes saw nothing when the wretched man's sword slashed the pale skin of her neck, warm blood now gushing out of the deep cut. The breath hitched in her throat and she felt like she was being suffocated from both inside and outside. The stabbing pain that radiated through her body, the painful ringing in her ears, the dance of destruction in front of her hazy eyes, the fear, the remorse__ she couldn't bear it__ the infinite suffering.

She thought she'd be stuck forever in this anguish like a hell-loop, repeating again and again. But then he came, and for a moment she thought she'd be saved. She watched him punishing her murderer, falling on his knees in front of her and pulling her dying body in his arms with a broken sob coming from his lips.

The intense desire of knowing him surged through her failing heart and she reached for him, so that she could save herself from drifting away like sand dust. Taking her trembling hand in his own, he whispered something to her, the penitence in his majestic silver orbs reflecting the aching of her heart.

Yearning for life at that moment was nothing but wishful thinking, the fact that she knew very well, but still, she grasped onto the hope__ even a moment_ an instant__ anything.

As if released from all the worldly burdens, she suddenly felt unrestricted, airy as if her soul has been released from the torturous cage. She thought she was finally dead and maybe__ it wasn't a bad idea to retire from her life. Maybe she wouldn't suffer or crave for anything if she'd stop to exist at all.

She felt a flash of red seeping through her, simmering through her every cell. The exhilarating red__ but it wasn't the red of her blood__ no it was something else. But what?

A voice, soft like feather's touch fell in her ears, but she couldn't understand it even if she wanted to, as if the place where she had been struck was beyond languages and words.

Everything around her, or about her was beyond comprehension, one moment she was awake and in another moment she was not. She felt sensitive and senseless at the same time. The feeling was terrifying__ she was__ she was__

Inara's eyes jolted awake, the darkness of her surrounding slowly sinking in her mind. It was over__ she was now in her room. Alive and safe. Her mother's ring, the blood of the devil, was warm against her skin as her conical fingers dug inside the velvet of her mattress.

Shutting her eyes tight, the princess inhaled deeply, allowing her vigorously heaving chest to settle at a calmer pace. Sleep had become an exclusive luxury for the empire's princess these days. If she was not awake because of those nightmares, then she was surely awake because of the commander's training.

The nightmares__, she had never experienced such surreal nightmares or dreams in her past life, original and lifelike that they had started haunting her night like the darkest phantoms. They served like some kind of constant reminder as if she died and revived over and over every time she closed her eyes.

A thought suddenly popped across the myriads of running conundrums in her mind, wracking her already unnerved heart. Amidst all her planning and attempting to prevent the tragedies of her past life, she never once pondered how she came back to life.

Why am I back in two years? What brought me back and why? What if everything is supposed to end the way it was before, even after all my attempts? What would I do then? Will I get another chance? What if this is not even real but a figment of my wishful dream? What if that was just a nightmare? What if___

No, no, no_____

Inara tapped her cheeks lightly, I can't lose my mind worrying over this__

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