Does stop fighting means to give up?

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Note:Girls and boys and women and men helloooo!! Long time no see!!! I know it's been ages since I have updated and I'm sorry it's been a mess here! So here we are with another part of my series of not so one-shots but hey can you blame me? Those episodes needed some fixing to say the least.. 
      Eda left the gym and for the first time her mind and her heart wasn't less but more confused than how they were when she came at the first place. She remembered every single moment that she just lived with Serkan just 10 minutes ago and a shiver run through her. Her emotions were more mixed than ever, the anger was still welling up threatening to consume her, the hurt trying to make her spirit wither once and for all. But then there was those three words that he muttered: "I am sorry". Were these three words supposed to make you stop hurting and forget everything? Eda didn't know that, maybe they weren't or maybe she was just selfish. Because she didn't stop feeling the hurt and the anger. But those three little words were like a salve on bruised skin: it hurt to be applied at first but when it is, it alleviates the pain. Her heart despite the anger and the hurt, was a little calmer. "I am sorry". He has never said those words face-to-face to her ever again. Not even when he was seeking her forgiveness going around in every bahse with a view of the sea, when he was handcuffing her to him and making her spend the day with him in the mountain house, not even when he made a terrarium all by himself or signing this absurd contract of hers and hugging erdem as a punishment for touching her by mistake. She chuckled at the thoughts.
       The real question was: what would she do next. It was clear as the sky that she would never give up on her love of course. But those three words made her stop a second and think what she was sorry for. If Serkan was his old self, his heart would be shredding into pieces, were he to see her and Deniz hugging and talking those sweet nothings as they had been doing for days now. She couldn't afford to do it anymore. Not as she couldn't even fathom the thought of hurting him even without wanting it as he had been doing it with Selin from the day he came back and onwards.
       So what would she do? She had to put an end in this game but she couldn't give up and stop fighting as well. And then it dawned at her. Cease fighting doesn't mean to doesn't mean to give up. When somebody chases you, the most logical thing is to keep running as fast as you can until he loses you. But the most effective way to ensure that he doesn't catches you without running yourself to exhaustion is doing the most illogical thing ever imaginable: stop running. Most people, like serkan, become robots without even notice and when it comes to urgent situations they rely solely on their orthological way of thinking. So the best way to outsmart them is to do what they don't expect you to.
     With that in mind she headed to the café. Deniz welcomed her with a smile and invited her for a coffee but Eda insisted on speaking with him about their "engagement". Deniz, sensing her anxiety and distress and knowing his impulsive friend tried to avoid that conversation saying " Let's calm down first, drink a nice cup of tea and then see what we have to talk about, shall we?" But Eda was having nothing and just straight up declared with a tone of finality in her voice "I end this game Deniz. I fake break up with you.". And as the words came out of her mouth she saw panic settling in Deniz's eyes. "No,no,no Eda you can't! Wait, wait sakın ol,  I know this is hard for you but we said we are so close to make Serkan remember Eda you see-". His voice was cut off by Eda saying "I can't and won't do this anymore Deniz and my decision is final." .
"Eda don't, listen to me you can't do this, not now that we are growing closer and closer and I have a chance to-" his voice died as saw eda's incredulous expression and understood what he was about to say.
After taking a deep breath he took her hands in his and said "Eda, I am in love with you, I have always been, and I am and I will be forever, please I know this isn't the perfect moment but if you think about it I can make you happy I prom-".
Eda removed her hands from his hold like she has just touched fire and took several steps back while having this surprised yet somewhat angry expression on her face "Wait a sec, wait a sec. You are what? No, you can't be in love with me, no you are my friend, you have always been my friend,the brother I never had, yok ya ne ben sana aşığım ya, dalga geçiyorsun?"
"Eda, please listen to me, I lov-"
"That's why you accepted to play this game from the very start not to help me get Serkan back? You tried to trap me?"
"No, no Eda please listen to me, I did this for your own good, I spoke to Selin about your game to-"
"Eda, please listen I-"
"No, YOU listen to me Deniz! BEN DELİ GİBİ SERKANA AŞIĞIM, SERKANA SEVİYORUM SADECE SER-KAN! ANLADIN BENİ? Now listen to me, if you don't want this to end more badly you are going to do EXACTLY what I say! I am going to tell that we broke up, YOU are not gonna to tell Selin ANYTHING about what I have just learnt, you are not to speak or see her or Serkan under any circumstances until this whole story ends, then you can do whatever your heart pleases I don't care! AND YOU ARE GOING TO STAY AWAY FROM ME, DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME DENIZ?"
"HAVE I MADE MYSELF UNDERSTOOD DENIZ?" she said with a determined voice and tears welling up in her eyes
She took a shaky breath and looked at Deniz's eyes "Deniz, bak I never meant to hurt you or your feelings. I- I just feel kind of betrayed you know? As a friend. You don't love me Deniz. You think you love me. You are in love with the idea of how I would be if I was in love with you too. If you really loved me, you would respect my decisions, you would be right by my side even that meant that you would help me with the man that I love. Cause that's what love is. Selfless love. I know it cause I have done it. I have helped Serkan in this fake engagement partly cause I thought he was in love with Selin. When Selin wanted to get back with him, I tried to leave Turkey, to put distance between me and Serkan cause I thought that was what he wanted, Selin. And I would have done it if he hadn't caught me on the way to the airport. Cause I love him and I want him to be happy even if that means that I won't be."
"But for you to be happy I-"
"Even if you think that you love me, don't you love yourself? Don't you want to feel loved? To wake up and have right by your side a person that you know she thinks you are the one, the only one for herself? Don't you think you deserve better than an one-sided love? A "love" built on lies and deceit? Won't you get tired at some point? How would you feel if you wake up one morning and you realise that you don't "love" me anymore, and you have wasted so much time in a "love" that became a habit that you can't cut off? Deniz, even if you are not my friend anymore after what you did, I want you to find your true love, a woman that makes you feel you are on cloud nine and feels that way for you too. Think what I said okay? Take care of yourself deniz, please stay away from us, goodbye." And with tears in her eyes, Eda walked away from a friend she thought she could rely on forever. Right now, she seemed to lose one person after another in her life, serkan, deniz ,ceren, and it broke her. But she had to stay strong. It won't that way forever, right?
      The next day, after spending her night crying herself to sleep on melo's and her halla's shoulder for her lost friendship and explaining to them all that she has experienced the whole day, she gets up and goes to the çiçekçi bahçe in order to clear her mind and prepare some special for her orders. After she has spent time to take care of her flowers and assembled the bouquets she left for Art Life. Well, like she always said, every time that the sun shines, it's a new day that requires to leave all the sorrow behind and move forward. And this day will be very different than the others.
Serkan's POV
        As Serkan parked in from of Art Life his eyes instinctively searched if eda's car was somewhere near or if Eda was there speaking with her friends as she did for several mornings but figured neither was the case today. He almost chastised himself for his inclinations because he was with Selin, he would marry her, right? But for some reason, even his mind didn't seem today to be in his favour and agree with him cause it was too, preoccupied by thinking for a certain brunette with big, almond shaped, brown, capturing eyes.
        He entered the office and was greeted with a literally full-handed Leyla instructing erdem around. Οr trying to instruct. Why is erdem here? Neyse.
"Günaydin, Serkan Bey"
"I want you in my office to revise today's schedule."
"Geldim Serkan Bey, let me one minute go these to Eda's office and I'll be there"
For a second he thought that he hadn't heard right
"Leyla, Eda's office is my office too"
"Em, Serk-Serk-Serkan Bey, şey yani emmm.."
"Ne Leyla ne?"
Only then he payed attention to the folders Leyla was holding. They were folders about the landscape designing of their ongoing projects
"Leyla what are they, why do you carry them around?" His brain was refusing to figure out what was happening as it was most of the times when Eda was involved.
"I-I think that you must go to your office Serkan Bey, I'll be there in a while" Leyla said in lightning speed nervously and practically sprinted out of the main office. Really everybody is crazy in here, I swear. Where did I find all of them? He went towards the office but stopped midair while admiring Eda, in her white suit look exactly like an angel. Her eyes, he could wonder in them for days if she would let him. Her face was so perfect and her lips... As Eda turned not only her face but her body as well, he noticed her laptop tucked under her arm and on her hand she was holding Apollo's mini temple. And that was all it took for his reverie to stop. And in his mind there was only one thought :
Eda looked at him with a smile on her face, that smile that makes one believe that there isn't evil in the world, that there is not a single problem on the planet. Little did he knew.
"I'm leaving so I thought I would help Leyla and Erdem with gathering my stuff." She said with such a calm and almost nonchalant tone that he could swear she talked to him about the weather instead. But the state inside him was the exact opposite of Eda's tone. Panic starting rising along with his heart rate and he thought that for some reason that he couldn't put his finger on he felt like his breath was slipping from his fingers.
He suddenly heard a voice, his voice in his head and a image crossed his mind: him in a white shirt and haki pants and vest in his office telling while standing "Sen burada olmasan, nefes alamam"("if you are not here I can't breathe") but before he could try and remember anything else the image left his mind and he couldn't afford spent time on trying to ignore his headache and remember something more. Not when Eda was leaving his office, his life. He listened to someone entering the office but he didn't care about anyone at the time. "WHAT?!?!? EDA YOU ARE NOT TO LEAVE THIS COMPANY UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES! HOW CAN YOU DO IT WHEN YOU HAVE SO MUCH THAT NEED YOU HERE, THERE ARE ONGOING PROJECTS THAT YOU ARE HANDLING, THERE IS M-"
"Edacim, you are leaving for real?!?!?" A not so upset but rather rejoicing Selin chimed in.  Ah Selin came in. Why? Nevermind, we have a bigger crisis here. EDA CAN'T LEAVE!!
Eda, thank God, decided that it is time to  while barely holding her laughter.What is so funny for her? She is so happy that she leaves me? No , the company. She's leaving you not the company. You are nothing to her. She is nothing to you REMEMBER SERKAN. OFFFF YA REMEMBER SERKAN YOU DON'T WANT HER YOU DON'T LOVE HER! OFFFF!!
"Selincim, I'm so sorry to ruin it but no. I. AM. NOT. LEAVING. " She said with a tight-lipped smile and a mocking face
She turned to Serkan "Serkan, I am not leaving the company, I am moving from  here to the office upstairs." She said completely calmly. A sense of relief run through him and he felt like a weight was leaving his chest and he could breathe again. For the good of the company I am feeling those things of course. Yes, for the company. REMEMBER, FOR THE COMPANY!ONLY! But still, why is she leaving this office. He wouldn't see her as before. Did he did something to upset her? Or...
"Did your fiance felt that he couldn't let you be in the same office with me? Is he so afraid?" He said with a smug smile.
"If you remembered me or tried to get to know me, you would know by now that NOBODY can tell what to do. But to appease your curiosity, no, my fiance isn't so afraid of you as you say cause he is simply not my fiance anymore." She continued to say with this annoyingly beautiful smile. Well, I have known already that nobody can tell you what to do, you are not listening to anyone, you just- Wait she said WHAT?
" Not- not your fiance anymore? You mean you two, you know, broke up?"
"Yes." Yes?? Just that ?? A simple yes???
"WHAAAAAAAATTT?!?!?WHAT DO YOU MEAN BROKE UP?!? WHEN? HOW? WHY?AND WHY I DON'T KNOW THAT?!?!?!" A not so calm Selin practically screamed.  Yes Selin. Thank you. Details. I need details. Why they broke up? Me? Doesn't she love him anymore? Did she ever loved him? Did she ever loved me?
"And why must I tell YOU about anything regarding my personal life selincim? Or were you waiting for someone else to tell you" she told while turning her head to the side with those naive looking eyes that had an unmistakable glint in them. What??????
"What? N-no, no I j-just-" selin looked like she has swallowed her tongue. What is happening???
"By the way I hope you liked my gift for you" Eda continued with the same devilish smile of hers while looking at Selin.  Eda bought a gift to Selin. Am I teletransported to a parallel universe today? Cause what is happening today is simply impossible.
"You bought a gift to Selin?????" He asked incredulously.
" She brought a bouquet of some yellow flowers in my office today, hayatim" Selin said nonchalantly while tugging his arm gently trying to get his attention.  Ah, Selin is still here.
"There are black-eyed Susans, Snapdragons and Tansies for you Selincim. I made a bouquet for you to Serkan. You know, for the new day, the new beginnings." Eda smiled politely and pointed to a gorgeous arrangements for purple and white flowers.
"That's so kind of you, isn't it aşkim?" Selin said sarcastically while continued to not-so-gently anymore tugging his arm to get him look at her. Why is she still here? And most importantly, why is Eda leaving this office? Why is she leaving him?
"I'll leave you two lovebirds to yourselves" And with that Eda left the office. And Serkan couldn't do anything but look at her leaving, hear the sound of her heels fading away as she stepped outside the main area and beaded to the stairs and the upstairs office, leaving him speechless looking between her flowers.
"Serkan, bak-" Selin started but he cut her off with raising his hand and saying "Not now Selin, I have work to do" while taking out his phone out
Selin was fuming but chose to leave because she didn't want to start a fight just now, not after Eda saying those suspicious at least words.
Serkan opened his laptop only to search about the flowers that Eda gifted him. Lilacs that symbolise the love and the passion,
Violets, the flowers of loyalty, devotion and faithfulness
White Jasmines, the symbols of a sweet love
And forget-me-nots.
Serkan lied back on his seat with a sweet smile creeping through his face. Maybe, just maybe Eda didn't give up on him just yet. And maybe, I don't want to.
He had questions that needed answers. But right now he couldn't do anything but sigh and stare the flowers that a certain brunette made for him and admire them. And he wouldn't throw them even if this meant that he would be sneezing all day long but surprisingly he didn't.

If Selin did the same as Serkan, she would confirm her suspicions had she looked up to what flowers Eda sent her.
Snapdragons- the symbols of deception
Tansies- "I declare war on you"
Black-eyed Susans- the flowers that symbolise justice

So that was the chapter. Eda has just put her boxing gloves on. What do you think she will do? Please don't pay attention to the grammar and spelling mistakes. I hope you enjoyed as much as I do.Stay healthy and safe. See you in the next chapter 💃😘

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