Will you be my date?

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         Seeing his glistening eyes, full of hope, Eda thought she was lost in a dream. This couldn't be real. The sea and the sky giving out calming vibes but this calmness had an underlying sadness that could be easily succeeded by a storm that would unveil all its anger. Do the sea and the sky feel my heart and my heartaches  or I am interpreting them depending on what I feel? Could they at least give me an answer on what should I do or they would just continue standing like that? This is what I wanted the most: Serkan telling me she wants to learn about us. But am I ready to tell him about us? When he first came back I was. I tried even. But now, after he said all those things, after he belittled our love, I don't know if I am ready to open my heart and share my most valuable possession, my memories. A scene flashed in my eyes: Serkan in the garden outside the singer's house opening his heart to me and talking about his never closed wound: the death of his brother, me holding his hand connecting with my heart with his for the very first time to try and take some of its pain to mine own. His valnurable state both then and the next night when he took him to his brother's music studio and played guitar to me, for me. Me talking about trust. Him telling me over and over that I am the person he trusts the most in this world. He deserves this. Serkan deserves to know. To know about us about the man he was this last year. To know about our love. It is said that knowledge is the most powerful weapon. I'll gladly give him that and then may he use it as he deems. I don't care if he'll turn it on me. If he kill me once and for all. I always looked only him. I always smiled only to him. I always touched only him. I was always his.  It is true that we can fall in love at first sight. But love isn't only that. We falk in love at first sight but we grow in this love. I wasn't the same at first. He wasn't the same at first. So he needs to know what he became

     Eda answered after what seemed like an eternity to Serkan but really it was just a few torturous moments for both of them. Moments that determined their lives.


    “Look  Eda, I understand your anger and you’re absolutely right b- WHAT? “
      Eda couldn’t help the giggle that escaped her. 


    ‘ Ok-Oka-Okay??? Okay what?????”

    “ Serkan, I have told you since you first came back. We can do this together. We can go through our love story so as for you to know about this era of your life even if you never remember this. You are right. You were part of those memories, we made these memories together so you’ll always have the right to know about them, I can’t withstand this piece of information from you regardless of our current relationship”
    Serkan on the one hand felt his chest to swell with happiness and gratitude about his little peri. A word. One small word was enough for him to feel like his heart was able to break its chains and start beating again, to feel like the air can get to his lungs after them being freed by their heavy burden. On the other hand he felt a pang about the phrase “ regardless of our current relationship”. But he refused to give up hope. Hope and Eda were the two things that he learnt from his latest experience that he should never give up cause if he did, he was as good as a dead man. Cause to only be able to speak about love you must be ready to “walk into places even the angels are afraid to wonder”.

Flashback scene

    “Serkan Bey, here is the footage of the cameras that you asked for”
    Serkan opened the file in lighting speed, praying that he wasn’t so deceived as he suspected. That his gut feeling was wrong. But here it was. The footage of the camera behind the desk showing Selin deleting Eda’s presentation as it was now even more clear from the second camera that he checked that also showing part of the computer screen that Selin used. A knock was heard on his office door. Serkan rushed and opened it, ready to tell Eda everything and apologize over and over for his sure ex from now on fiancé. He has found the reason that he needed artik. The reason that freed him from his own conscience and its restraints of Selin supporting him, through everything and most importantly through the aftermath of his plane crash. The reason to make him confident to say that all her allegations about Eda being manipulative and trying to deceive him to throw him out of the company and take control were all false, lies and manipulative words that had as their goal to deceive him, to alter the reality. Reason beside his gut feeling and heart that was given to Eda in a heartbeat. 

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